
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Goblins and Worgens are the new races of the Expansion!

From MMO-Champ: "In the last PTR build 4 new textures of Halloween masks have been added.

•2 of them are for Goblins masks - Helm_Mask_Halloween_GoF and Helm_Mask_Halloween_GoM
•2 of them are for Worgens masks - Helm_Mask_Halloween_WoF and Helm_Mask_Halloween_WoM”.

It’s a big call by MMO champ but they are saying: “Goblins and Worgens are the new races of the Expansion” ... and I think they're right! The only other masks ingame are of playable races and the Worgen masks look to be new skins. I hope they are right and I hope Alliance get Worgens as the new race! Goblins remind me of Ferengi from Star Trek, and Horde like ugly things, right?

With Blizzcon just weeks away we will find out real soon. We might find out some clever dev put them in just to throw us all off! MMO champ also spotted changes to the old Emerald Dream maps. Hmm, interesting!

Just to throw a spanner in the works, both these races might end up being Horde and the blood elfs might actually change faction! This might be the reason behind the whole faction change being implemented into the game. But really, we don't want the blood elfs on the Alliance side! But it could be a very interesting twist.

1 comment:

  1. Let's Just get rid of all the Blood elfs No one wants them!
