
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome SWTOR to Gaming Faces

Well, I thought I'd give you a little bit of a run-down about who I am. I'm an old Star Wars fan. I grew up with the toys. I married the love of my life, who I met at a Star Wars fan club. I have named two of my children after Star Wars characters (Mara and Teneniel). And I have the Rebel logo tatooed on my right arm. Yes, I am a Star Wars nut. I'm also an MMO addict. This addiction started because of Star Wars Galaxies.

I had no interest in MMOs prior to that but the lure of the Star Wars universe was too much for this Star Wars nut to resist. I played Star Wars Galaxies for almost five years. My first character was a beast master/bounty hunter who unlocked Jedi in the early days of the game. At the time that I unlocked my Jedi, there were only 21 Jedi on the whole server.

I was loyal. I played through all the changes to the system - the removal of force bars, the changing into the force ranking systems, xp loss from bounty hunter kills, temporary enemy flags from just pulling out your lightsaber - all the way through to the horrifying NGE (new game ehancements). The butchering of the game and universe and my hard work in the game got too much in the end and the lure of WoW proved to be more engaging.

Now, after three years in WoW, a new opportunity in Star Wars gaming is on the horizon. No one can deny that Knights of the Old Republic (KTOR by BioWare) was a brilliant game. Knowing that I'll be able to take that awesome experience and turn it into a MMO game, is envigorating! BioWare have excelled at everything they've done in previous projects and the videos and previews we're getting from their new venture into the Star Wars MMO field look to live up to and exceed what they've done in the past.

Four years ago I was fortunate to spend some time on the Sony booth at E3. I got the first videos of an up and coming event Sony were planning for Star Wars Galaxies. The same day, I heard a whisper from one of the Lucas Arts employees about a new Star Wars MMO game. There was concern expressed, off the record, about the damage that had been done by the recently released NGE. Those rumors are now reality and we're getting more and more information about this exciting looking new game from BioWare. We're going to try and keep up to date with all the latest breaking news and also provide a portal for any other bloggers wanting to talk about SWTOR.

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