
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

SWTOR Beta System Requirements

What will you need to play Star Wars: The Old Republic? People are starting to get ready for SWTOR and starting to wonder and ask what PC hardware they'll need to play the game. There are two lists below. One is my recommended list of system requirements and the other is the official minimum specs. You'll notice that they're slightly different.

The minimum specifications will allow you to scrape through at the lowest possible graphics settings. In my experience, this never provides a reliable gameplay and things like over-populated areas will cause your system to slow completely down, and even to crash.

SWTOR FACE PC Recommended:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz Processor or equivalent
CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 Triple core 2.8 GHz or equivalent
RAM:  4GB to 8GB Vista and Windows 7
DirectX 11 Video: ATI 5870 or greater
DirectX 11 Video: NVIDIA 480 or greater

This type of setup is getting us 60FPS +

Official PC Minimum: 

OSWindows XP, Vista/7
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better · Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz or better
RAM: Windows XP: 1.5GB · Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB · PCs using a built-in graphical chipset, 2GB RAM recommended.
VideoATI X1800 or better* · nVidia 7800 or better* · Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better*
Disc Drive: DVD ROM drive required
Hard Drive: 25+ GB
DVD-ROM8x or better *Minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM and Shader 3.0 or better support.

If you have any questions please post in the comments section below!

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