
Friday, December 9, 2011

Full SWTOR Companion List on


Companions are going to play a massive part in your experience in SWTOR. Whether you use your companion to craft, or gather, or to tank for you, or even heal you, you'll never be alone. Much more than a simple pet, companions will share their opinions during your experience and judge you on your decisions.

You'll be able to customize their look and all their armor and weapons in the same way that you can customize your own look and gear. During your journeys in SWTOR you'll even get custom items for specific companions.

Every character, by the time they've finished the main story line, will have access to five companions in total. Every class has five different companions which are unlocked as you progress. Whether you choose to journey with a companion because of their special skills, or just because you like their company, it's totally up to you. Some players may even choose their main character's class based on the companions connected to a class, but the five different companions attached to each class represent one from each of the five skill sets (DPS, tank, heals, etc).

Click on the images below to see full details of Bounty Hunter, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Jedi Knight , Trooper, Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent and Sith Warrior companion stats and gifts.

Qyzen-Fess Planet: Tython Qyzen Companion Gifts: Theran Cedrex Planet: Nar Shaddaa Theran Companion Gifts: Zenith Planet: Balmorra Zenith Companion Gifts: Lt Iresso  Planet: Hoth Lt Iresso Companion Gifts: Nadia Grell Planet: Belsavis Nadia Companion Gifts: Corso Riggs Planet: Ord Mantell Corso Companion Gifts: Bowdaar Bowdaar Companion Gifts: Risha Risha Companion Gifts: Akavi Spaar Akavi Companion Gifts: Guss Tuno Guss Companion Gifts: T7-01 T7-01 Companion Gifts: Kira Planet: Courscant Kira Companion Gifts: Doc Doc Companion Gifts: Sargent Rusk Rusk Companion Gifts: Lord Scourge Planet: Empires Palace Scourge Companion Gifts: Aric Jorgan Aric Companion Gifts: Elara Dorne Planet: Taris Elara Companion Gifts: M1-4X M1-4X Companion Gifts: Tanno Vik Tanno Companion Gifts: Yuun Yuun Companion Gifts: Khem Val Planet: Korriban Khem Companion Gifts: Andronikos Revel Planet: Tatooine Andronikos Companion Gifts: Ashara Zavros Ashara Companion Gifts: Talos Drellik Talos Companion Gifts: Xalek Planet: Voss Xalek Companion Gifts: Kaliyo D'jannis Planet: Hutta Kaliyo Companion Gifts: Vector Hyllis Planet: Alderaan Vector Companion Gifts: Doctor Lokin Lokin Companion Gifts: Ensign Raina Temple Planet: Hoth Raina Companion Gifts: Scorpio Planet: Belsavis Scorpio Companion Gifts: Vette Planet: Korriban Vette Companion Gifts: Malavi Quinn Planet: Balmora Malavi Companion Gifts: Jaesa Willsaam Planet: Hutta Jaesa Willsaam Light side Companion Gifts: Jaesa Willsaam Dark Side Companion Gifts: Lieutenant Pierce Planet: Taris Pierce Companion Gifts: Broonmark Planet: Hoth Broonmark Companion Gifts: Mako Planet: Hutta Mako Companion Gifts: Gault Rennow Planet: Tattooine Gault Companion Gifts: Torian Cadera Planet: Taris Torian Companion Gifts: Blizz Blizz Companion Gifts: Skadge Skadge Companion Gifts:

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