Showing posts with label Cataclysm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cataclysm. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Bastion of Twilight a quick Raid Guide Cho'gall

General Boss Information

Cho'gall is a two phase boss, the second phase beginning at 25% and lasting until he's dead.
Throughout the fight you have a corruption bar, at specific points your corruption bar is filled you will gain a potentially raid damaging ability so It's important to keep you're corruption bar low by dodging the multitude of attacks Cho'gall uses to increase it.

The Corruption Bar!
A pretty annoying bar that made me move my grid to see it, if you have a really custom UI there are plenty of addons out there that allow you to move the bar (also the sound meter from the Atramedes encounter)

As I mentioned this bar, depending on the % filled of it gives you different abilities.

For every point of corruption old god damage against you is increased by 3%

At 25% you gain a magic debuff that causes you to gain 2 stacks of corrupted blood per second, this must be dispelled

At 50% corruption you begin to channell Corruption: Sickness which deals damage in a frontal cone from you, if you get this make sure to stay away/turn you back against raid members

At 75% you gain Corruption: Malformation which makes a creature on your back cast shadow bolts to nearby raid members, so just move away unless you're a melee dps/tank.

At 100% you become fully corrupted receiving 100% less healing however 100% increased damage and all spells become instant cast

Phase One (100%-25%)
This phase is pretty simple once you understand the incredible amount of abilities going on in the fight.
One of the things that should become fairly evident as soon you engage Cho'gall is his Conversion ability. This ability will "convert" 2 people (5 in 25 man) that begin to channel a spell to Cho'gall. This spell MUST be stopped, they can be interrupted just about any way imaginable, normal interrupts, fears ect. If this isn't interrupted fast Cho'gall gains Twisted Devotion which increases damage dealt by him by 10% each stack, lasting 20 seconds.
Periodically throughout this phase Cho'gall will summon a Corrupting Adherent, they need to be killed fast and away from the raid: They spawn at the portals either side of the room, the first spawning at the left, then right, then left. They need to be killed fast because if they are left alive too long they gain Festering Blood which is a nasty AoE. They must be killed, preferably far away from Cho'gall. The adherents only major ability is their Corrupting Crash which is the same as Vezax's shadow crash ability and is noted by black lines rising out of the ground. Make sure to move from them as they cause corruption!
In this phase Cho'gall will sometimes use two spells that do different things:
-Flame's Orders (seen by Cho'gall absorbing a fire elemental)
Cho'gall deals an extra ~20,000 damage per swing so make sure the tank is topped. He will also spawn fire patches on the ground similar to the fire patches from the Dragon boss in Stonecore, or that the adds on the Beauty encounter in Blackrock Caverns do. These are easy to dodge and should be avoided to prevent raid damage and corruption.
-Shadow's Orders (Seen by Cho'gall absorbing a shadow elemental)
All this does is add a shadow AoE to each of Cho'galls strikes, it deals about ~15-20k damage and during our kill it only ticked about 3 times each time he used Shadow's Orders.
Throughout phase one and two Cho'gall will cast Fury of Cho'gall which will put a debuff on the tank that lasts 45 seconds which increase damage done against the tank, so be sure to tank swap

The most challenging thing during phase one is the adds that spawn from the blood of the adherents. When Cho'gall casts Festering Blood, he spawns five Congealed Blood of the Old God with 75,000 hp (300,000 in 25 man). These will add coruption to whoever they attack so they should be kited, preferably they should be killed/frozen/slowed on the spot and nuked down by DPS as fast as possible. How long phase one lasts increases the amount of Adherents spawned and therefore the amount of blood spawned, so this acts as the soft enrage to the fight.

Phase Two (25%-100%)
In this phase Cho'gall becomes fully corrupted by the Old Gods and goes a bit mental. He fills the room a black AoE that increases corruption and deals damage every 2 seconds to everyone in the room.
He will also spawn four Darkened Creations that are tentacles, 4 in 10 man (10 in 25 man). These should be killed ASAP as they channel Debilitating Beam which reduces healing and damage done by 75% and do alot of damage.

Heroism and all other cooldowns should be saved until this phase as the longer it goes on the more damage you take and I'm sure the healers won't be happy about that


The Bastion of Twilight a quick Raid Guide Valiona & Theralion

Strategy Guide: Valiona & Theralion 

Tanks - 1
Healers - 3
DPS - 6

General Boss Information:

This boss encounter involves 2 dragons, Valiona & Theralion.
Only one will be engaged at a time. The other one will be in the air harassing the raid until they switch.
They each do unique abilities and have pretty much the opposite mechanics. (Described below)

Boss Abilities:
Valiona: (On the ground)
While on the ground, Valiona will periodically cast Devouring Flames.
During this time, Theralion is in the air and while he is there, he will periodically cast Blackout on a random player and when dispelled, will deal ~300,000 split amongst players within 6-8 yards.
He will also cast Twilight Blast on a random raid member and splashes to other players within 6-8 yards, including melee.
Right before the phase change, Theralion will cast Dazzling Destruction which is indicated by gigantic galaxy looking swirls on the ground. If you get hit by these you get sent into the Twilight Realm.

Theralion: (On the ground)
While on the ground, Theralion will cast Engulfing Magic on a random raid member which increases damage and healing done by 100%, but also deals that damage or healing to nearby allies.
During this time, Valiona is in the air and will constantly be casting Twilight Meteorite on a random raid member, indicated by a big arrow above their head. It splits its damage amongst nearby allies.
The last thing Valiona will do right before the phase change is cast Deep Breath which deals ~15k damage and sends the player into the Twilight Realm. She will cast this in one of 3 rows in the room and is predictable.

Engage Valiona first and have everyone spread out as much as possible due to Twilight Blast.
When someone gets Blackout cast on them everyone needs to converge to split the damage it doeas.
Rinse and repeat these until Dazzling Destruction is cast. 6 of these will be cast and after they are done Theralion will land and Valiona will fly away.
At this time, everyone needs to stack. Melee on the tanks and Ranged on a designated player. This is due to Twilight Meteorite. In order to keep you moving, Theralion will place void zones on random players, so you will have to rotate around the outside of him as a group.
When someone gets Engulfing Magic is cast on a member, just have that person move out for the duration, then back in. If that person is targeted by a Meteorite, then have that person stop casting and stack.
At the end of this phase, Valiona will cast Deep Breath. It will engulf 1/3 of the room and will phase anyone hit by it into the Twilight Realm. It is very easy to predict this and just move out of it when it happens. The zones are selected at random.
Overall this is a pretty easy fight.


WoW Cataclysm The Bastion of Twilight a quick Raid Guide Halfus Wyrmbreaker

This is a work in progress!

First Fight: Halfus Wyrmbreaker

Below, is a guide on the abilities and one way to defeated this boss.

Tanks -2
Healers -3
DPS - 5

General Boss Information:
This boss is a tank and spank. The challenge comes from the 3 “drakes” in the encounter.
There are a total of 5 possible choices of drakes and only 3 will be available each week. (More on them below)
Each drake has a passive buff that it applies to Halfus throughout the duration of the fight, no matter whether it is active, inactive, or dead.
Once released, each drake will apply a debuff that will last for the remaining duration of the fight.
There is also a Proto-Behemoth flying off to the side. This cannot be killed and will remain throughout the fight. His whole purpose is to do constant raid damage.
Should you decide to take down any of the 3 drakes for the week, Halfus will gain Dragon's Vengeance and take increased damage, stacking for each one that is released.

Boss Abilities:
Slate Dragon: (Confirmed)
Passive – Gives Halfus his Malevolent Strike ability. This is a mortal strike debuff that reduces effectiveness of healing by 8% and stacks. It has a 30 second duration.
Active – Once released, the dragon will cast Stone Touch which stuns Halfus and NOT the raid for 12 seconds periodically.

Nether Scion: (Confirmed)
Passive - Gives Halfus his Frenzy ability which increases attack speed by 100%.
Active – Once released, the dragon will activate Nether Blindness which reduces Halfus’ chance to hit, attack speed, and damage done by 25%.

Time Warden: (Speculation – Will confirm when we encounter)
Passive - Buffs the Proto-Behemoth with Dancing Flames which allows him to cast his Fireball Barrage ability which needs to be moved out of.
Active – Once released, the dragon will activate Time Dilation which slows the speed of time which increases the time to avoid the fireballs.

Storm Rider: (Confirmed)
Passive - Buffs Halfus with Shadow Wrapped which allows him to cast his Shadow Nova ability which needs to be interrupted.
Active – Once released, the dragon will cast Cyclone Winds which increases the cast time of Shadow Nova by 500%. Up from .25 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

Orphaned Emerald Whelps: (Confirmed)
Passive - Buffs the Proto-behemoth with Superheated Breath his Scorching Breath ability which hits the raid for ~9k damage every second for 10 seconds.
Active – Once released, the whelps will cast Atrophic Poison reduces all damage taken by raid members by ~6000 since there are 8 of them.

Slate + Scion + Whelps:
When we engaged, engage both dragons. We blew Bloodlust on the start and tried to get the Slate down ASAP.
Once he was dead, have the MT free the whelps in order to reduce raid damage. Otherwise your healers will be OOM very fast. Burn the second drake. BoP the MS debuff off of the MT and keep tank targets until Scion is dead.
Once both dragons are dead... everyone go on the boss. Have the whelps tanked close to the boss and just have incidental damage kill them (They don't hit hard). Have the tanks taunt each time Halfus gets stunned to drop the debuff, and BOOM you have your kill.
Slate + Storm + Whelps
When we engaged, we released the whelps with the MT and had the OT tank Storm.
You MUST release Storm in order to interrupt the Shadow Nova.
AoE down the whelps and then get on Storm. Top everyone off after this and continue however you want to.
We released Slate in order to get the stun. It gives a lot of extra time to compose yourselves/lose the debuff when he's released. Kill it.
Burn the boss.


Video 2:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cataclysm and YOU - What you need to know

Alot of questions have arised about the release of tonights Expansion pack: World of Warcraft - Cataclysm.

The meaning of this topic is to prevent people creating new threads, and to direct their attention here for all questions they require answered.

Will the servers be restarted tonight at 00:00?

No, the servers will not be restarted tonight due to the reason of changing to Cataclysm.

Does this mean I will be able to start leveling RIGHT away at 00:00 with no need to relog?

Yes, and no. The way blizzard have mentioned the game switch-over to expansions tonight is what they call ''The Flick of a Switch'' meaning that as soon as it hits 00:00 everyone who ordered the Digital Download will be able to commence leveling and using Cataclysm right away without the need to relog.

This is best used in the term of ''Phasing'' Kind of how like when you go into a Dungon you get phased into it, the same thing will happen for Cataclysm, you will be phased into the new Expansion world.

For people who did NOT get the digital download, you will need to close you game client, and then re-open it at 00:00. This is due to a main reason.

At 00:00 your client will be sent small packets, adjusting it and allowing it to show EXP bars at level 80, allowing interactions with certain NPC's aswell as exploring new content. Similar to installing a new addon from Curse or WowInterface, a relog of the game client is needed to reflect changes.

Do you mean we will have to download more stuff at 00:00 for our clients to adjust (Non digital Downloaders)?

No, the information that is sent to adjust your client at 00:00 is extreamly small and only consists of a few KB's of data, there is a 99% chance that when it hits 00:00 and you look at the clock, it will of already been done and you didn't notice it. Then just close your game client and re-open it.

Where can I train flying in Azeroth?

For the horde, you can gain a Flight Masters licence from Maztha in Orgrimmar. Her location is here.

For the Alliance, you may get a Flight Masters licence from Bralla Cloudwing. Her locations is

These both require level 60, and will cost you 250 Gold.

I have just transfered to a new realm, am I still eligable for realm first(s)?

If you have transfered to a server, and the realm first achivement you are after has not yet been achived, then you too are also eligable for it. (The same way as if a new server was opened, and a Guild transfered there the same day, they would be eligable for Realm first raids such as Obsidian Sanctum, Yogg-Saron, The lich King etc)

Killing mobs when at the highest level of the expansion block gives 90% reduced experience.

That means, killing a level 72 mob in outland at level 70 will give you 1/10th of the exp it would have before friday the 3rd Dec, while killing a level 68 mob in wotlk would give you full exp (around 20 times more than the 72 from outland)
Also, it means killing wotlk mobs at level 80 will also give 90% reduced exp. This applies to world, 5man, and raid mobs.

Anyone planning to grind any kind of mobs or instances in wotlk needs to change their leveling plans right away.

This issue is being reported as a "bug" and often thought of hunter pets getting reduced exp, but it is the fact that the hunter pets are receiving exp from their level 80 owners who are now getting 90% less experience. Since this applies to all expansion brackets, 60 and old world, 70 and BC, 80 and wotlk, I personally find it too systematic for it to be a coincidental bug -- and even if it is, the chance of it getting fixed/changed by Tuesday is right around 0%.

several threads on this topic can be found here:

This change effects all players leveling a new character, and many players trying to level up in Cata.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What Wrath players need to know to not suck at Cata!

When I find a great post like this I just have to share it! in full! Thanks Daetur! where is this guys Blog?

Daetur’s pretentious how-to-better-yourself after learning to play in Wrath post, incoming! Dare ye read it and take its words to heart? Or dare ye troll instead? One will fill me with warm joy and hope for the future, and the other will simply amuse me, so let’s get crackin’!

This is my own comprehensive take on tips and tricks you should get used to before Cataclysm hits, for tanks, dps, and healers. Some of you may very well know these things, even if you have only played during Wrath. However, some of you may have never needed to use or think about them. Everyone has the potential to improve. I have things I need to improve on too, some of which are things I discuss here! I don’t think you suck personally, but I do think that we’ve ALL gotten complacent and rusty with Wrath of the Lich King. Players who started playing in Wrath never got the experience of Classic and BC where we once had to learn many of the lessons that will be invaluable come December 7th. It’s not their fault, but it needs to be addressed.

Daetur’s credentials: Regular WoW player and raider since Classic; Has tanked, healed, melee and ranged dpsed all current content. 11/12 Hardmode experience. Cataclysm Beta tester.

I play a hunter, a death knight dps, a druid tank/dps, a paladin healer/dps, and a shaman healer/dps.

1.) Be mindful of your positioning. Do these mobs have a knockback? Will you get thrown into other mobs? Is the tank facing the mob away from the group in case it has a conal or cleave? When trying to dodge that fire on the ground, are you running towards another group of mobs? These are things that you will need to be more mindful of in Cata. Extra pulls can and likely will mean wipes, and any damage that can be avoided will make your healer’s life that much easier, and make their mana last that much longer.

------> 1.a) If you do get aggro, run the offending mob TO your tank, not AWAY from him. Root or snare the mob that is aggroed on to you, and then move TO your tank so that the mob will run closer to them as well. This makes it much easier for your tank to peel the mob off of you, and will get you back into safety quicker.

2.) Communicate with your group. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never seen these people before in your life. Ask who you should CC. Ask the tank to pop his CDs because you know you have trouble healing this pull. Ask if you have questions about an encounter (please, for god’s sake). Ask for a mana break. Don’t sit there like a deaf mute along for the ride and pray everyone else knows what they’re doing. Much of the Cataclysm content WILL take some organization.

------>2.a.) Take and give constructive criticism. If you wipe, try to figure out what went wrong and fix it without liberal use of “suck,” “noob,” “fail,” “ragequit,” etc. That will not get you any closer to downing the boss or the trash. It will only destroy any cohesion your group had, and angry players tend to perform worse than calm or happy players. Also, if someone else offers you criticism, don’t take it too personally. “Hey, hunter, can you step up the dps?,” is NOT a personal attack. Take responsibility for your actions! I’ve raided ICC hardmodes and played since Classic, and I still screw up. But, I have the balls to say “Sorry guys, bad tab target, completely my fault. I’ll be more careful,” or “Oh man, I just wasn’t paying attention, my bad. I know what the (fire)(acid)(defile) looks like now, I’ll watch more carefully next time.” And you should too! It keeps groups more cohesive, and makes errors clearer to everyone in the party so that no one has to play the blame game.

3.) Keep your group’s best interests in mind. Pay attention to what is happening to your group members. Is a mob running for your healer or clothies? Root it, slow it, or stun it. Did you get an extra add? Try to help control them- slow, CC, etc.

4.) Be patient! This is all new content, and your group is in leveling gear, not top-tier epics. These fights are not generally easy, and have some new mechanics to learn. If someone in the group needs to have the fight explained to them, don’t complain. If your groups wipes, run back in and try again. I’m sure you had to learn the fight at some point too. If the healer needs to stop for a mana break, don’t keep pulling or get impatient. Trust me, they are working hard to keep your group alive. DON’T expect 15-20 minute runs!

5.) Be observant. Check out new buffs, debuffs, and spell effects. The more you know about what is around you and what mobs can do, the more effective you can be. Mages in particular, watch for TASTY Spellsteal fodder. You’ll be amazed at the buffs you can give yourself and take off of a foe.

6.) Consumables!! Yes, that’s right! Health potions, mana potions, potions of speed! Well, mostly health and mana. Have them! Use them liberally if you have access to them! Mana potions in particular can give healers the extra mileage they need on a tough fight.
================================================== =====


1.) If your target is casting and it can be interrupted, do it! Interrupts- not just for bosses! Interrupting spells being cast by your enemy will often go a long way towards reducing incoming damage. Try to watch casting mobs as you do the dungeon (over and over again, most likely), and try to see what spells are particularly nasty. AoEs are often good candidates for interrupts. This will also save your healer mana!

------> 1.a.) Bind your interrupt/stun/silence to an easy-to-reach key. If you only ever use ONE keybind, this should be it. I typically have mine bound to my scrollwheel or Shift+leftclick so that I can hit it as fast as possible. Your mileage may vary.

------> 1.b.) You can use a ranged interrupt or silence to help your tank gather spaced out caster mobs. The tank will, 9 times out of 10, greatly appreciate this, and it really helps with add control.

2.) A dead DPS does NO dps! Remember, if you recklessly frontload all of your damage and aren’t careful, you can end up pulling off the tank. If you can frontload 12k burst dps, but only live for 4 seconds, that’s only 48k damage. Compare that to the careful dps who pulls 6k sustained and lives through the entire 60-second fight—that’s a whopping 360k overall damage to your 48k! Please be aware that many tanks have to “relearn” the new tanking style of Cataclysm, and most of us have had our AoE threat capabilities nerfed. Please stay on our target, or the marked target.

------>2.a.) This rule also applies to standing in ‘stuff.’ The faster you move out of it, the easier you make your healer’s life. Since mana will be more of an issue for healers in Cataclysm, the more mana you can save your healer, the better your group’s chances of survival.

------>2.b.) Use of defensive cooldowns, even as a dps, can really save your healer a lot of trouble. If you can anticipate incoming damage (un-interruptible AoE, or you got aggro somehow), pop a CD like Barkskin, Icebound Fortitude, etc. Also, with a bit more freedom in speccing in Cata, talents that increase healing done to you or reduce damage that you take can be very good candidates for your spec.

3.) Be patient! Let your healer drink, let your tank mark and set up their pull, and let someone explain the fight if necessary.[/b] Remember, this content will be NEW to nearly everyone from 80-85. It is more difficult that WotLK content, and we will not be in top-end gear. We will be in leveling blues and greens. These fights will take preparation, caution, and learning. Once you know a dungeon by heart, remember that everyone starts somewhere, and that there was a point where you didn’t know the fight. Have patience with the others in your group, and help them learn.

4.) Learn about your classes’ Crowd Control (CC) abilities. Before stepping into a Cataclysm dungeon, please note that some trash packs NEED to be Crowd Controlled (CCed). Familiarize yourself with the CC options available to your class, and the limitations of it. Does it only work on certain mob types? How long does it last? Does it break on damage? Use these abilities liberally to take dangerous mobs out of the fight while you deal with others. This is also a good technique to reduce tank and healer strain, and gives your group a better chance of success. Practice on your own—pull two or three mobs solo, out in the world, and try to keep one CCed the entire time you are killing the other(s).

------>4.a.) Don’t break the sheep! Be careful of cleaves and AoE abilities if there is a CCed mob nearby. Damage often breaks enemies out of CC, and they will then run rampant through your group. One of the WORST things you can do is place a DoT on a CCed target (I’m looking at you, Dks glyphed for increased Pestilence and Blood Boil range—for the record, I am one of you), since it will CONTINUALLY break the CC even if it is reapplied.

5.) Learn to kite! Kiting involves slowing a mob and making it chase you away from or around your group while not hitting you. Mages and hunters in particular are known as great kiters. Death Knights can be quite good at it too, as they have both a taunt and Chains of Ice. This technique can be extremely helpful in situations where there are multiple powerful melee adds that cannot be CCed. If they are too much for your tank to handle together, a dps can often kite one until the other is dead, at which point the tank will take over. Rumor has it that a Heroic boss in a Cata dungeon requires that an add be kited for the ENTIRE fight! Are you up to the challenge?

6.) Follow marks and kill orders! Focusing fire will be very important in Cata. We won’t be able to just AoE down every pull anymore. Usually, Skull will be first and X will be second. Crowd Control targets may also be marked. As a general rule, HEALER type mobs die first, followed by damaging casters, then melee.

[b[7.) You are more than just “big numbers!”[/b] Simply because your role or spec is “dps” doesn’t mean you can’t throw out a heal, a dispel, or a cleanse, or even pick up a stray add. Did the healer just die? Does your class have some healing spells? Well, you’d BETTER have those on your bar, because it’s time to show what you’re made of. Pick up the healing and save your group! You can do so much more than just damage and occasional CC. Paladins, use Hand of Salvation on a party member that’s getting close to pulling aggro, or even Hand of Protection the mage! Remember, casters can continute to cast while HoPed, but melee can’t continue to use physical strikes. Misdirect or trap that accidental add pull! Throw out a cleanse to someone, innervate the healer if they’re low on mana! You have these great utility spells, but no one expects you to use them Time to prove them wrong and show that there’s a reason you’re like Wolverine. The best at what you do.


1.) Cleanse! Many healers in WotLK are more used to healing through debuffs instead of removing them. With mana being more of an issue in Cata, it will often be more efficient to remove damaging or heal-reducing debuffs as soon as possible, rather than try to heal through all the damage. Which debuffs are more expensive to heal through than cleanse will be something you have to learn on your own, but it will be important to keep cleansing in mind in Cataclysm content!

2.) Conserve your mana! Mana is not going to last you anywhere near as long in Cata as it does now. Learn which heals are the most efficient, and get a feel for how much each one heals for. Knowing which heal to use when will be essential. AoE heal spam will not cut it anymore.

------>2.a.) Part of mana conservation is triage. Triage is deciding the priority of you ‘patients.’ As a general rule, if SOMEONE has to die, it should be the dps first, the tank second, and the healer last. This means, if you have to choose between saving a dps and yourself, save yourself. Between the tank and the healer does get more fuzzy, but remember that it’s possible for dps to burn something down with heals backing them up if the tank does die.

3.) Predict incoming damage. Watch who the mob(s) is(are) targeting. Having an addon that shows who has threat is quite handy here, or just activate this feature in the standard WoW raid/arty interface. If you see an add turn to a dps, you know that that’s the one that will need heals. You shouldn’t be mindlessly spamming everyone in CASE they take damage anymore. You know the tank will be taking damage. But the key to be a great, efficient healer, is to be able to anticipate who ELSE in your group is going to get hurt.

4.) Be ready for anything. Assume the worst. If you are about to start a pull that you have never healed before, it is safer to assume high spike damage than wait and see. Many healers get a nasty surprise when a new type of trash mobs hits like a freight train and they just weren’t ready for that kind of damage.


1.) Don’t break CC! Pull mobs BACK and away from CCed adds. This will reduce the risk that CC will be broken by your own AoE tanking abilities and dps’ cleaves. It will help you hold threat because you do not need to watch your AoE and cleaves, and it will help your dps for the same reason.

2.) Mark adds! You should know the drill—Skull on the first target to die, X on the second, mark CC targets with Square, Moon, etc. Focusing fire will be more important in Cataclysm. Packs cannot simply be AoEed down across the board. Typically, you’ll want to have your dps target enemy HEALERS first, then damage-dealing casters, and finally, melee.

3.) Be liberal with your shorter cooldown CDs. Mitigating incoming damage will be essential in Cata. It will help conserve your healer’s mana. A particularly good time to hit your shorter defensive cooldowns (anything under 2 minutes) will be close to the start of a pull, when the most adds are alive, unless there is something special about the adds that makes them more dangerous later.

4.) Use your stuns! Stuns are a great way to mitigate incoming damage, don’t forget it! They can also buy you time to get stable threat at the start of a pull, or stop a mob from running after a healer or dps when your taunt isn’t up.

5.) CONTROL your pulls. Pull with restraint. Most tanks in WotLK (myself included) have gotten very, very accustomed to charging into a dungeon, foaming at the mouth, and pulling the first three groups all together. This is NOT going to fly in Cata, guys. You will get you furry/plate-wearing ass kicked. We will need to relearn how to pull with restraint. When you pull a group, range pull and drag them BACK instead of charging right into them. You can also have CCers pull from range and pick up the mobs as they head towards your group. Try not to aggro any extra mobs.

6.) You are NOT the master of the group. Many tanks in WotLK have become rude and overconfident due largely to their short queue times. I can be guilty of this as well. Many have a tendency to treat the other members of their groups with the expectation that whatever THEY says goes, because the group cannon function without them. Please, I beg of you, if you are one of these tanks, remember that you cannot solo this content. You need your group as much as they need you.
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Wow, are you guys still here, or did you just skip to the end?
If, as I suspect, this was WAY too long and you didn’t care, here’s a brief summary.
Be patient. Be observant. Communicate with your group. Own up to your mistakes. Learn as much about your class as you possibly can, and use all of your tricks. Learn to kite and Crowd Control. Learn to mitigate as much incoming damage as possible, even as a dps. Manage your mana. Think on your toes!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Instance WoW Cataclysm Beta Key give away!

I spend a lot of Time listing to pod casts on the way to and from work, and for almost 2 years now I have listened to the Instance with Scot Johnson and Randy (I am fine thanks for asking) Deluxe. If you’re in to WoW the Instance is a must! I have tried lots of WoW podcasts but the instance is the only one I can recommend It’s clean well presented witty and informative, All they need is to get the very hot Felicia Day on more frequently! And big new this week over at the instance is that they are giving away WoW Cataclysm Beta Keys!!

We’re happy to announce that every day for the next 25 days, The Instance will give away two keys to the World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm beta test, courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment! As we build up to our landmark 200th episode, we want to give you the chance to beta-test and be among the first to experience the coming cataclysm.

Every day, starting tomorrow – Friday, July 23rd – Scott and Randy will each give away one of two unique codes that unlock your access to Cataclysm. To win,......Read on

Friday, May 14, 2010

WoW Cataclysm Beta Opt-In!

Get those opt-ins ready for the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm closed beta! The sundering of Azeroth is nigh, and you don’t want to be left out in the cold of Northrend when you could be enjoying the sun-drenched beaches on the goblin isle of Kezan. To ensure you’re opted-in and eligible as a potential candidate, you’ll need a World of Warcraft license attached to your account, have your current system specifications uploaded to the Beta Profile Settings page, and have expressed interest through the franchise-specific check boxes.

So get your opt-ins set up, updated, and ready; we're worgen real hard to get the beta going soon!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blizzard killing 25 man raids in Cataclysm!

I run a 25 man raid guild on an Oceanic server. We have to have 3-4 sub ins due to lag issues and other things, like the fact that some fights need 2 tanks and others need 3. If Blizzard run with the idea posted in the forums on 27 April (and re-posted below), I can see it killing our 25 man raids.

I like the 10 vs 25 man loot but this new idea has problems. For example if we have the same lockout for 10 and 25 man and we want to work on a new 3 boss encounter, on the first night if we don’t have 25 online we can go and do 10 man raids instead but the 2nd night if we do have 25 online but we saved to 10 on that first night, 5 people would have to sit out while 20 get to be in 10 man teams! It's no good the other way around either. If we start with 25 on the first night and then don't have 25 on the 2nd night ... more problems. Even if you have the same raid ID for 10 / 25 man you will still have the problem of having to sit out up to 14 players if you are 1 player short. Ridiculous!

Having 10 / 25 on separate lockouts gives us something to do on off nights on our main toons. Some people do not like having to tank if their main is a healer or dps. This will either force people to have multiple alts and not give them the options they currently have for their main characters.

Separate lockouts gives us more content for no extra effort from the devs. As it is now we have raid content for 3 nights of the week only, that’s with 25 on 2 nights and a 10 man on 1, leaving 4 nights of dancing in Dalaran, looking for something to do on your main.

Quote from: Nethaera:

We're continuing to refine the raid progression paths in Cataclysm, and we'd like to share some of those changes with you today. Please enjoy!

The first of the refinements being made is that we're combining all raid sizes and difficulties into a single lockout. Unlike today, 10- and 25-player modes of a single raid will share the same lockout. You can defeat each raid boss once per week per character. In other words, if you wanted to do both a 10- and 25-person raid in a single week, you’d need to do so on two different characters. Normal versus Heroic mode will be chosen on a per-boss basis in Cataclysm raids, the same way it works in Icecrown Citadel. Obviously the raid lockout change doesn't apply in pure Icecrown terms though, as this change goes hand-in-hand with a few other changes to raid progression in Cataclysm.