
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 5 in TOC: Anub'arak

Although the Twin Val'kyrs fight was the last official fight in Trial of the Crusader, there is one unofficial fight to go, Anub'arak. After defeating the Lich King's minions, the Twin Val'kyrs, the King himself gets a little upset and makes an appearance. He's so angry that he smashes the floor with Frostmourne and all the raiders drop into the Scarab's lair.

With Anub'arak, like all other fights he will not aggro until your tanks engage him or some idiot gets too close.

Although I've briefly experienced this fight on the PTR weeks ago, please note that some of the strategies mentioned here may not be correct. The fight may have changed since the PTR. I'm taking on Anub'arak tomorrow night and I'll post again with my final recomdations after he's defeated. This is my plan on leading the riad.

To start the fight tanks and melee will run in and engage the boss. Ranged and heals will group in the center of the room. Tanks point the boss away from the raid as he has an AOE cone attack and he hits HARD! A good tank will take hits of up to 22k, so healers need to be ready!

Ranged should shoot down the frost spheres from the roof. By doing that, they fall and you get frost on the ground. The frost will slow players and enemy mobs by 80% but it will also protect players from burrowing mobs and spikes. It will also protect players from Impale but if Impale is cast at a player the frost will de-spawn and the player will have to move. if you get enough for the ground cover with the frost it will actually prevent Anub'arak from burrowing into the ground, completely preventing stage two of the fight.

Any off tanks should stay out of the frost or stay right on the edge because they'll need to pick up Anub'arak's adds. This is the same as in Nax. When Anub'arak burrowes into the ground all DPS kill the adds that spawn during this phase (phase two). The adds have a stacking debuff you need to keep an eye on. Another way to get rid of the adds is to have the off tanks move the adds to Anub'arak's location and range can AOE both the adds and the boss at the same time.

This fight was not hard on the PTR but all players were in T8.5+. Tanks need to pick up the adds fast or you will lose your healers!

When the boss reaches 30% he'll caste Leaching Swarm. See that all adds are dead before he gets to 30% because if the adds get loose at this time in the fight they will kill all your healers.
Anub'arak will leach 10% of the current health off EVERY raid member. The way in which the leach works is that it takes 10% of the player's current health, not their total health pool and transfers it to the boss. The more health players' heave, the more health he will generate. This is where your healers will be tested! Healers keep all DPS at 50% to minimise the health Anub'arak gets from them. At this stage in the fight you need to pop hero, Trinkets EVERY thing you have and burn him so save all your cool-downs for 30%.

This is a video taken from the healer's perspective on the PTR:

This video is taken from the off Tank's view, with really annoying Benny Hill music. I did warn you!

Week 4 in TOC: Twin Val'kyrs
Week 3 in TOC Faction Champions
Crusaders' Coliseum week two: Lord Jaraxxus

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