
Friday, September 11, 2009

OMG armor penetration for the win ... or is it!?

I've been doing a bit of playing around with spreadsheets and DPS calculators in an attempt to optimize not only my personal raid performance but also the benefits I bring to a raid. These benefits will change from fight to fight and as your gear increases or changes you will find different stats may provide very different results than you expect.

Last night in TOC ten man we had Fordragon Blades drop off Anub'arak. It’s a nice two-hand pole arm but I have Stormrune Edge already, so at first I said, pass, as they're both level 232 items. No one wanted it and it was going to go to an off spec or vender loot. The others players in the raid were telling me that I should take it. They argued that it has more haste and armor penetration and that it was better than Stormrune Edge. Looking at the stats I could see how it might just be better and the hast for Marksman might help too.

After the raid I visited a great online tool for hunters over at It's a Hunter online DPS Analyzer and using the analyzer I found out that with my Beast Master spec, Fordragon Blades takes my DPS to 5642.96 and Stormrune Edge takes my DPS to 5662.86. And with Marksman spec, Fordragon Blades takes my DPS to 5812.23 and Stormrune Edge takes my DPS to 5865.30.

Fordragon Blades gave me a 19.9 DPS loss in BM and a 53.07 DPS loss in MM. 53 DPS is a massive loss for a single item!

The Heroic Fordragon Blades (lvl 245) will take my MM DPS to 5866.30, a bonus of 1 dps DPS. Hmm ... not a lot for an upgrade but it looks cool, right?!

As your gear changes so do your requirements. For my hunter, the extra crit on the Stormrune Edge helped my dps a lot more than the haste or armor penetration. When you get in to high end gear you've got to pay attention to diminishing returns and also set bonuses, and what your trinkets proc on. If you use trinkets that have a chance to proc on crit, higher crit may increase the amount of times it procs during the fight. If your 2 set armor bonus lets a special ability crit then that also will get a boost from extra crit. Things are always changing in the game but the devs always seem to want you to balance your stats.

For BM hunters, attack power is the stat of choice up to a certain level. I seem to have hit the cap where attack power gives me more DPS and I’m now adding AGI. Just because someone in the forums says ... "OMG I do 8kDPS when I stack armor penetration, it owns all!" ... does not mean it will work for everyone. Do not be shy to do some testing for yourself and if you can find a spreadsheet or online tool like then use it. It will help you understand your class and mechanics of the stats you need!

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