
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Onyxia is back on live!

Well boys and girls, Onyxia is back and she is giving away nice lvl 80 245 loot!

You will find her in her old home in Onyxia's Lair, Dustwallow Marsh. There have been no real major changes to her on the test server and it looks like it went live the way she was on the test server.

The only difference from the level 60 Onyixa is that she no longer drops threat and is no longer immune to fire effects and abilities. Deep Breath's cast time has been increased. Onyxian Lair Guards now spawn in phase and Melee can no longer hit Onyxia in Phase 2.

With that said, let's go over the strategy.

Onyxia is still a very easy fight that you can do in about 20 min.

Phase 1: The tank should back her up to the back wall. Healers obviously heal the tank and DPS should stay away from the tail. Phase 2 starts when she gets down to 65% health.

Phase 2: Raiders should group up, get a tank to gather up the whelps and then AoE them down. Once the whelps are down, DPS should get back on to Onyxia who will be moving around the room. Whenever Onyxia spawns a Lair Guard it is advisable to have ranged DPS kill it immediately. The Lair Guards are squishy but they hit melee hard!

When Onyxia emotes for Deep Breath, move away from the front of her to ensure that you are not hit. Often, simply running for the sides of the room will save you! Her flame breath is a cone effect from her mouth.

If you get another wave of whelps, gather and AoE as before. When Onyxia hits 40% she will land for good. She will cast Bellowing Roar immediately upon landing. Finish off whatever adds remain while the tank positions Onyxia (who has wiped threat from phase 1. It's advisable to have a fear ward or a fear break on the tank initially).

Phase 3 is not much different from phase 1 aside from fears, some raid damage from eruption and occasional whelp spawns, which are not too dangerous. She does nothing else special and will die upon reaching 0% HP.

At this time if Reinforced Shadowstrike drops give it to a player that wants Reinforced Thunderstrike as you get a 1 use to summon Reinforced Thunderstrike the Reinforced Thunderstrike that spawns cannot be traded. The the Reinforced Shadowstrike can be traded to a guild member that wants it so you get 2 for 1!

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