Showing posts with label HardOCP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HardOCP. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2011

[H]ard | Gaming Community Goes Live

HardOCP is a site I always have in my bookmark bar top center! Now they have a gaming site! This is one site I will be watching closely! If Hard Gaming is a shadow of HardOCP it will kick ass, this is one gaming revolution I want to be apart of!

From HardOCP
[H]ard | Gaming Community is now launched. You can check it out here at [H]ard | Gaming Community Website . This website is fully decked out with everything we need. We can keep track of our competition scrimmages and matches for any game, we can stream our gaming live straight to the website, easy means of contacting management and specific division leaders, advertising, sponsorship and affiliate capable, downloads section, and a active news feed. This website was designed by our very own [H] member DDigital. He did an astonishing job and it looks excellent. Keep in mind we are still adding content and fixing things daily. If you see any errors or bugs please use the contact form on the site.

The Gaming community management has been working closely with one of the best gaming service providers in the business End of Reality closely the passed couple of weeks and we have decided it would be best for [H]ard|OCP, [H]ard | Gaming Community, and End of Reality that we work together. End of Reality is now the main sponsor of [H]ard | Gaming community. We would like to extend a very heart felt thanks to Robby @ End of Reality who is a [H]ard Forum member himself. We are very proud to be powered by End of Reality and will wear his logo proudly like we do the [H].

We promised you all day 1 servers and we have not failed you. We will be launching Battlefield 3 with 2 servers online waiting for you to get home from the midnight release. News is still fairly scarce with MW3 but we plan to have a server for it on launch day as well. We know some of you may hate BF3 or MW2 or both. We however do not. We are not playing sides as we are here to provide as many of you with a Gaming home that we can. We also have 2 Counter Strike Source servers up and running. These are still very incomplete as time hasnt permitted us to configure them fully. For a full list of our servers please check here.

We have teamed up with the [H]ardcraft team. We now have adopted their server and management to manage the [H]ard | Gaming Minecraft division. If you play minecraft and are looking for a server that protects your builds and has a very high quality server then please check out our site for more info.

We also have our own section here on the forums for discussion. We use this to talk to everyone and as a way for a medium for [H] members to interact with each other out of game. We also discuss all types of gaming from FPS, RTS, MMOs, and even consoles are welcome.You can check out our section here .

We are very excited about this much like when it started. The motivation and determination has only escalated since the original idea. We have a very level headed crew with a lot of experience in management and the server infrastructure. All of these things show and it matters. Kyle Bennett @ [H]ardOCP, Robby Hicks @ EoReality, and the [H]ardcraft team all believe in us and what we are doing. We have made so many connections and relationships thus far and its only the beginning. There are a lot of communities out there like [H] with gaming organizations. I think its time we put [H] back on the map in gaming. Do you want to be apart of the revolution?