I love playing around with Adobe, and wanted some new backgrounds for my new PC, so I took a break from gaming and this is what I came up with. Hope you enjoy them! One for my Rebel friends and two for you Sith scum! :)
Right click and open in new window to get the full size image.
One thing SWTOR is not short of is Star Wars sex appeal. The Dev team go above and beyond the call of duty in the design of Hot Alien Babes in SWTOR; some of them will make your heart melt!
It's nice to have a place in the game that is just yours and I hope one day we can customize the inside of our ships to make them feel more unique! I got to spend a lot of time on this baby; she is a sweet ride!
Crafting your saber in SWTOR is a magic moment and I think the best scene in the game all the way to 50! With the update to crafting and orange items, I'm excited that I will get to keep my first saber all the way and even raid with it!
Saying goodbye to my Beta toon is not easy; I've spent hundreds of hours with this guy ingame and editing videos looking at him and although I'm not finished with videos that I have shot with him, it's still sad saying goodbye. SWTORFACE the Jedi Consular will live on and continue to teach 1000's of Jedi as they stumble through the world that is SWTOR! Look out for him over the next 10 days in some new and helpful videos.
So, I finally made it to level 50 and found my new favorite creature in the game. You have to agree, this guy is uber-cute. Too bad he was looking at me in my stealth mode, trying to work out how he could eat me. This guy wanders the frozen wastelands of the planet Ilum. You'll get to know him and his buddies really well, as it's where you'll end up doing a lot of your dailies.
One of the coolest things in this video and on Corellia itself is the bullet tram system. It's fast. The planet itself has been devastated by war and the scenery is what you expect from any major city in a war zone, right down to escaped zoo animals running rampant.
With this video, I've uploaded in high definition 1080p. Is this something people want, or do most people watch at 720p? The reason I ask is that there is about a 3 hour difference in the upload time.
Freezing people in carbonite is common place 3000 years before Han Solo got cubed by Vader and Fett in the Empire Strikes Back, it looks like it might be a bit of a shock to the system too! I would get them to tie my hands up so some fool didn't break one of them off when I was frozen! But then again hand cuffs didn't work on Han right? How the hell did he get out of them? Han Houdini! This screenshot is of one of the many people you'll find frozen on carbonite throughout the galaxy in SWTOR.
One thing an Alien galaxy has that never ceases to impress me, is the variety of horizons. Everything from multiple moons, large planets and asteroids can be found rising or setting on the horizon line. It certainly sets the scene for the game. This particular show was taken on Voss, a level 40-45 planet.
If you thought Luke was brave, taking on a Rancor, wait until you come up against an enraged Vorantikus! These creatures look amazing and are hard to defeat. I couldn't get enough screenshots of these guys. It was thrill to find new ways to tackle them. The modelling department at BioWare went above and beyond the call of duty with the design of this foe.
I'd like to introduce you to Holiday. She is Theran's companion. Theran is my human, male, healer companion. Theran's relationship with Holiday, who is an advanced computer system with a female avatar, is almost innappropiate! Not that long ago when I was hanging out with some mates, it got to late at night and we turned the TV on to find an odd documentary about people having relationships with life-like mannequins. This companion and his companion reminded me of that doc! But Holiday does prove to be quite useful as she stuns your adversaries with her stunning beauty. Who came up with this little side story?!