To give gamers a better understanding of how classes in SWTOR work, we will be breaking down the information for each individual class, into their advanced classes. Over time we'll separate the class pages even further into individual pages about specific specializations (Jedi Knight: Guardian; Jedi Knight: Sentinel; etc).
As you probably already know, there are eight main classes in SWTOR. For each of these eight there will be 2 advanced classes. At around level ten you will get the option to choose your destiny. Each character will have three trees of skills that they can build up. Two of these trees are unique to each advanced class. One of the trees is shared by the other advanced class of that class. Confused? An example would be that the class of Jedi Knight has two advanced classes: Jedi Knight: Guardian and Jedi Knight: Sentinel. Both of these advanced classes have the same tree of Focus. They each then have another two that are unique.
What this means for the gamer is that if you choose Jedi Guardian, you don't necessarily need to be a tank. If you spec into the Vigilance tree you'll be able to wield a lot of damage.
To make it clear, advanced classes are not just individual skill trees, like marksmen or beastmaster for hunters in WoW, they are classes of their own with their own unique options.
At this stage, no information about being able to change your advanced class after you've chosen it has been released, so it's possible that it's a life-of-the game character decision, much like the initial class decision. Bioware have, however, hinted that players may be able to change their talent tree specs (for example, from Vigilance to Defense). This would allow players to level in Vigilence and then swap to Defense for raiding or flash points at higher levels.
The shared tree in the advanced classes gives players the ability to customize their character even further to suit their play style.
First up lets look at Jedi Knight and its advanced classes trees and options. The new information is in this post but a complete class guide on the Jedi Knight class can be found on our
Jedi Knight Class Page.
Keep in mind that any information available now could change by the time the game is released. This information has been collected from and other official information.
Jedi KnightThrough training, the Knight turns combat into an art.
Advanced Class: Guardian A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack.
Class Role: Tank, Damage
Weapon: Lightsaber
Armor: Heavy
Tree: Vigilance (DPS)Provides greater skill in single-blade offense and the ability to take enemies down quickly.
Force ScarringPassive: Sundering Strike lowers the target's internal and external resists bu 10% on its first application
Shien FormInstantCooldown: 1.5 secs Enter an offensive Lightsaber form, increasing all damage dealt by 6%. All attacks which cost focus will refund 1 focus when used. In addition, taking damage generates 1 focus, but this effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.
Tree: Defense (Tank)Allows the Guardian to more effectively withstand enemy attacks and protect allies.
Endure: Instant, Cooldown: 3 minsTemporarily increases your maximum health by 30% for 15 seconds. When the effect ends, the health is lost.
Force LeapPassive: Force Leap now stuns targets for 2 seconds.
Tree: Focus (shared) Specializes in advanced Force techniques and the Shii-Cho lightsaber form.
Force Exhaustion Instant, Cooldown: 21 secs, Range: 15mProgressively slows the target from 60% to 10% movement speed over 5 seconds and deals 180 kinetic damage each second. At the end of the duration the target is crushed, and takes an additional 553 kinetic damage.
Reduces the cooldown of all Force abilities while in Shii-Cho Form by 3 seconds.
Advanced Class: Sentinel
Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using two Lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade.
Class Role: Damage
Weapon: 2 Lightsabers
Armor: Medium
Tree: Watchman (Sustained Damage and Survival )The Sentinel masters the Juyo Lightsaber form, making him more dangerous as a fight goes on.
Overload Lightsaber Instant Cooldown: 12 secs
Charges your Lightsabers with deadly energy for 15 seconds, causing your next 3 successful melee attacks to make the target burn for 491 elemental damage over 6 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.
Merciless ZealPassive
Critical hits with burn effects heal you for 2% of your maximum health.
Tree: Combat (Burst Damage)
Allows the Sentinel to master the Ataru Lightsaber form to rapidly dispatch enemies.
Blade RushInstant, Range: 4m Strikes the target with both weapons for 647-729 weapon damage and automatically triggers an Ataru Form strike. For 6 seconds after using Blade Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra 30% chance to be triggered. Requires two Lightsabers.
Opportune Attack
Your Ataru Form hits have a 100% chance to make your next focus spender deal 10% more damage.
Tree: Focus (shared) Specializes in advanced Force techniques and the Shii-Cho lightsaber form.
Force Exhaustion Instant, Cooldown: 21 secs, Range: 15mProgressively slows the target from 60% to 10% movement speed over 5 seconds and deals 180 kinetic damage each second. At the end of the duration the target is crushed, and takes an additional 553 kinetic damage.
Reduces the cooldown of all Force abilities while in Shii-Cho Form by 3 seconds.