Showing posts with label many looks of. Show all posts
Showing posts with label many looks of. Show all posts

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Many Looks of Khem Val

Khem Val customizations

What follows is some basic information about Khem Val, but not much more than you'll find out when you first unlock him. Then I'll go on to show you the vast amount of customizations available for him - more than any other companion. Plus, I'll tel you where you can get them from.

About Khem Val

Khem Val is your own personal bodyguard as the first companion for Sith Inquisitors. One of the last few remaining Dashades, he is unique among assassins, thanks to his specie's force resistance. Khem Val's legacy goes back thousands of years as, like most of his species, he was suspended on Korriban for future generations to find. Khem Val is ruthless, to put it bluntly. He doesn't like being soft, but that doesn't mean that all of his decisions are Dark Side in nature. He hates slavery. Khem Val's storyline is closely tied to your class story and his personal story is not complete until after your class story has concluded at level 50. I found Khem Val's story to be quite entertaining and different to other companion's - almost comical in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer type way, which plugs in nicely to the Sith Inquisitor class story, which has a similar feel.

Khem Val Customizations

When you first unlock Khem Val you will get a choice of looks, customizations 1, 2 and 3, plus the default look, giving you a total of 4 looks to chose from immediately. There are 15 total looks for Khem Val, although only 5 different skins; the other 10 looks are clothing and armor variations on those 5 skins.

The screenshot above shows customizations default, 1, 2, 3 and 4. The image shows a front and back view of Khem Val in just his loin cloth. Being an alien of non-humanoid dimensions, default clothing and armor don't make any appearance changes.

Customizations 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (above) include a cloth outfit variation on the first 5 skins. This adds a bit more color and variation to Khem Val's appearance.

 Customizations 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 equip Khem Val with armor. Although only superficial, the armor does make him look quite menacing. He's still bare-chested from front view but these outfits provide a look as though he is protected from rear attacks.

Wel-Nolan in the Cantina on Balmorra has customizations, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13 - all listed for 12500 credits (each). There are no special requirements for any of these customizations and they're available from Keith the companion customization vendor on Taris as well.

 The Collector's Edition vendor on the Imperial Fleet has 3 more customizations available for Khem Val which include 2, 7 and 12. These customizations are only available to Collector's Edition owners. They are 2000 credits each.

The security key vendor on the Imperial Fleet has the last ones, for anybody who has a security key attached to their account. Customizations 4, 9 and 14 cost 12500 each. Once you have purchased items from the security key vendor they are yours to keep forever, even if you remove the security key at a later date.

I personally chose all the red customizations, which allow me to change his outfit depending on my mood, without the discrepancy of his skin changing color.

Don't forget to check out similar posts: Here 

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Many Looks of Jaesa Willsaam Light & Dark

Companion customizations: Jaesa Willsaam Light & Dark

Jaesa is a unique companion as she has a split personality. Depending on your decisions prior to unlocking her, her persona will be either Light based (as in a Jedi Consular) or Dark (as in a Sith Assassin). The difference between the two personas effect her looks, personality, skill set, missions and the story line.

Light Jaesa is the type of girl you'd be proud to take home to your Mom for dinner. Dark Jaesa is the type of girl to take home if you wanted to really upset your parents. These are the two default looks (Light on the left and Dark on the right). It's mainly her makeup and eye color that is different with the default looks. When it comes to customizations though, there are four extra looks for each and they involve different skin colors, hairstyles and makeup.

It's not only her looks that change but it's her complete story. The conversations that you have with the Light Jaesa are completely different to the ones you have with a Dark Jaesa. Her gift preferences are different and the way in which she responds to conversations is also different. Light Jaesa likes compassionate Light side decisions. Dark Jaesa is evil to the core and will not approve of you being soft in any way. To fully experience the Sith Warrior story line you'll need to play it through as both Light and Dark. Even different missions are unlocked. The only way to experience them both is to play Sith Warrior as Light side and then play it again as a Dark warrior. I personally felt that the Light side story line was more intriguing.


First let's have a look at the five Dark side options, each one of them bad-ass in their own way. She's definitely a bad girl and her looks show it. In combat she will taunt your enemies and exclaim how she loves pain.

As you can see in the close-up images below, she's a passionate person and her passions control her connection to the Force. Be careful not to cheat on her, or she'll hunt down your mate and slice them up into little pieces.

These are the looks for the Light side Jaesa. She's clean cut, her hair is pulled back for practicality and there's very little make-up. She's the girl next door. She's sweet, compassionate and loving in everything she does. She'll help you convert the Dark Lord's of the Sith from within using her unique power to uncover other compassionate Sith to join your cause.

Customizations 1 (Light) and 5 (Dark) are available from the security key vendor on Illum orbital station. To access this vendor you will need a security key attached to your account. You cannot purchase customizations for a companion you don't have. If your Jaesa is Light then you can't purchase a Dark look. Customizations 1 and 5 are 12,500 credits each.

You can purchase customizations 2, 3 and 4 (Dark) and 1, 2 and 3 (Light) from the customization vendor Keth on Taris. Each one costs 12500 credits.

At first I thought it was going to be a bit of a chore having to level a second Sith Warrior to get this information and screenshots. I was pleasantly surprised at the diversity in the story lines that was revealed simply by making Light or Dark decisions. The Sith Warrior story line is definitely one of the most engaging and I'd highly recommend playing through it in both forms, Dark and Light, if you're passionate about experiencing the full extent of the SWTOR story.


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Many Looks of Blizz

Blizz customizations

I am now working my way through the story line of my seventh character on SWTOR, a Bounty Hunter. Although I played a Bounter Hunter character on a different server last year, to around level 30, I decided I'd start again and play it this time as tank. To say that Bounty Hunter's have a colorful array of companions is an understatement. Not only do they have the cutest female companion in the game, Mako (check out all her looks here), they also get what I consider to be the coolest companion in the game, Blizz.
Blizz is a Jawa and his personality is brilliant. He's very accepting and helpful and just an all around likable guy. He's not the best companion for a tank but I find myself taking him out and putting DPS gear on him anyway, simply because his comments, his look, and the way he sounds, are such a blast. What's not to like about a Jawa who can not only fix things but tank elites with ease?

Like Bowdaar, the wookie companion that Smugglers get, you can't change the appearance of Blizz's clothing through armor. The clothing look can only be changed through customizations. So changing Blizz's customizations is just like changing his clothes. Blizz is one of the few companions where having a variety of customizations makes sense if you use him a lot (for other companions, the customizations are more of a way to change their look for the long term whereas with Blizz's customizations it's just a wardrobe maneuver).

Above and beyond the default look, Blizz has four customizations. The default look (top center) has him in a bandoleer with a fury lining on the edge of his hood, matching shoulder pads and patches on his hood and cloak. Customization 1 (top left) changes him to a plain Jawa with no bandoleer or extra frills at all. Customization 2 (top right) simply adds a bandoleer to the plain Jawa look. Customization 3 (bottom left) adds dual bandoleers, crossed over his chest, and a shoulder pad on the plain Jawa cloak. Customization 4 is not in the game at the moment. Customization 5 (bottom right) is the most exciting. He has a custom cloak with all sorts of gadgets, a vest, shoulder pads and a backpack full of gizmos. It's the customization I've chosen to stick with.

The first three customizations are available from R-N05 on Belsavis. You will find this vendor as soon as you get off the shuttle to Belsavis. He sells customizations 1, 2 and 3 for 20 000 each.

Customization 5 is available from the security key vendor on Illum orbital station. To access this vendor you will need a security key attached to your account. Customization 5 is also 20 000 credits.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Many Looks of Bowdaar

Complete Guide to the Bowdaar Customizations

Every Smuggler needs backup and what better companion is there to watch your back than a Wookie with a life debt to you? Bowdaar is your 2nd companion as a Smuggler and a real help keeping enemies off you. 'The Force' help them if anyone tries to attack you! He will be in there roaring and pulling arms off some and just tossing others like rag dolls.

Theoretically you should be able to get Bowdaar by yourself at around level 21, although if you have a friend to help, like I did, you can get him at level 16. Just have your higher-level character friend run you through the class quests.

Bowdaar has 7 unique looks to chose from including the default look. Unlike other companions though, it's not his appearance that changes but rather his outfit. Equipping armor to Bowdaar does not change what he is wearing; the only way to change what he is wearing is through the use of customizations. For Bowdaar, changing customizations is just like changing outfits. Our dearly beloved Chewie only ever needed the one outfit - a single bandoleer - for the entirety of the original trilogy though. Customization 2 is the closest to Chewie's look.

Customizations 2, 3 and 4 are just variations on the same gear, adding a vest and shoulder pads to the classic bandoleer look. If you prefer your wookie au-naturale so for customization 1 to show off the most amount of hair! The default look is really cool - it has an old school Star Warsie/Old Republic look and feel. Customization 5 shows a working class wookie's outfit, the true gear of any wookie engineer. Finally, customization 6 looks like a wookie gladiator armor, only worn by the most elite warriors.

Captain Kneely, the Security Key Vendor on the Ilum Space Station, is the only vendor where you can get customizations 5 and 6. You'll need 12.5k apiece and a security key attached to your account.

Out big buddy Guunta in Bug Town on Balmorra is whee you'll find customizations 1, 2, 3 and 4. There is a customization 7 in the game files but it's not available in the game at the moment. I expect we'll see it in the Cartel Market in the near future.

Don't forget to check out similar posts:

Our full list of companions and gifts
The Many Looks of Elara Dorne
The Many Looks of Kira Carsen
The Many Looks of Vette
The Many Looks of Mako
The Many Looks of Risha
The Many Looks of Nadia Grell

For information on customization options for other companions check out the other 'Many Looks of ... ' posts on SWTORFace.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Many Looks of Ensign Raina Temple

Complete Guide to Ensign Raina Temple Customizations

Like most end game companions, Ensign Raina Temple's customization's are not found in low level zones but I have found them all and taken screenshots and tails to make it a breeze for you to choose the look you like most. If you wait until you have reached level 50 to purchase her customizations you will find that you have already got used to the way she looks by default. This guide will give you an idea about her personality and show you where to purchase the options so you can go get the one you want as soon as she joins you at around level 40. Even though her customizations are found in the level 50 zone, you are able to safely get there with no risk

Ensign Raina Temple is the 4th Imperial Agent Companion and I have found her to be my companion of choice at level 50 on my Operative. She uses the same gear as my agent so it's easy to deck her out. She is also easy on the eyes and she doesn't have an annoying voice.

Georgia Van Cuylenburg the voice of  Ensign Raina Temple
Her accent sounds a bit like my wife's and looking her up on IMDB I found out Georgia Van Cuylenburg is an Aussie with a British BBC accent (my wife is an Aussie who spent a lot of time in the UK!). Georgia is a rare talent who, at her young age, is a successful and credited comedian, TV host, actor and voice-over artist. Through her production company "I am Spartacus Entertainment", she is also a credited writer and producer.

Temple is 1 of 3 female companions that Imperial Agents get and no doubt the most sane of the 3. She never wants to kill you and seems to look up to you.

I like her personality and she seemed to like the choices I made in the game. She's a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial military -a true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.

Ensign Raina Temple has 8 looks including the default look. Her voice seems to suite the default look well  and I think she looks real nice in any of the Imperial officers' uniforms as seen in the first image in this post. But if you like the bikini look, you're in luck as she also looks hot in the the full slave girl outfit.    

Customizations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are all for sale on Ilum from the Supply Officer Mikaen. At 20k each she is not a cheap girl!

To get Customization 8 you need to go to the Security Key Vendor on the orbital station above Ilum. 

Don't forget to check out similar posts:

Our full list of companions and gifts
The Many Looks of Elara Dorne
The Many Looks of Kira Carsen
The Many Looks of Vette
The Many Looks of Mako
The Many Looks of Risha
The Many Looks of Nadia Grell

For information on customization options for other companions check out the other 'Many Looks of ... ' posts on SWTORFace.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Many Looks of T7-01

Complete Guide to T7-01 Customizations

T7-01 is one of my favorite companions, not only because he was my first companion but because he is a droid with a cool attitude! This little guy can take a real beating and he has some of the coolest comebacks in your story that you will come across! I so wish I could have given him a lightsaber and made him a Jedi when he asked. 

T7-01 has seven looks available, although customization 5 requires you to have the Collector's Edition and customization 6 requires you to have a security key attached to your account. With the variety of colors available, T7-01 can be decked out to match your favorite outfit. Wearing red today? No problems, customization 3 will have you looking like a team. Just got some gold PvP gear? Not an issue - T7-01's default look will look awesome right beside you. Read on to see where you can purchase all of the customizations from.

Customization 6 is available on The Republic Fleet Station from the Security key reward vendor, Tamin.

You can find customization number 5 on The Republic Fleet Station from the Collector's Edition Vendor called Jhaffus.

Customizations 1, 2 and 4 are available from vendors on both Taris and Balmora. The vendor's name on Taris is Tatrog and he is hidden in the corner of the cantina. The Balmora vendor is hard to miss as he can be found at the entrance to the main base in bug town.

Don't forget to check out similar posts:

Our full list of companions and gifts
The Many Looks of Elara Dorne
The Many Looks of Kira Carsen
The Many Looks of Vette
The Many Looks of Mako
The Many Looks of Risha
The Many Looks of Nadia Grell

For information on customization options for other companions check out the other 'Many Looks of ... ' posts on SWTORFace.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Many Looks of Qyzen Fess

Complete Guide to Qyzen Fess Customizations

First off, I know we have always posted our "Many Looks of " images using bikini outfits on our Companions, but when we tryed to put Qyzen Fess into a bikini he ripped 3 of our droids into 6 pieces! So we have changed our bikini policy, to keep peace in the Galaxy!

Qyzen Fess is the first Companion that players get as a Jedi Consular. Our Trandoshan friend is a heavy armor wearing melee tank who brings his skill and hunting knowledge to your story line. Like most reptiles  Qyzen will shed his skin from time to time and it really annoys C2-N2 who has the fun job of cleaning it up ... so it's not uncommon for Qyzen to change his looks!

Let's have a look at the first 5 looks:

Qyzen has 5 customizations, plus the default look The image above has the default look far left and then the 4 customizations you can purchase from vendors (one customization is a rare loot drop, which we'll talk about below).

Customization 1 and 4 can be purchased from the Security Key vendor on the Republic fleet 

Customization 2 can be purchased from The Balmora vendor, Guunta. He is hard to miss, as he can be found at the entrance to the main base in bug town.

The Collector's Edition Vendor has customization 3 for sale if you own a Collector's Edition copy of SWTOR.

The last special customization is a rare loot drop from Warlord Kephess, the final boss of Explosive Conflict operation.

Even if you get the loot drop, like I did, you still need to roll for the item with all the other Consulars in your raid!

A big thanks to Nomzy for letting me take the screenshots of this cool customization which he won when it dropped in our raid ... and DAMN YOU FOR BEATING ME BY 1! :)

To find out more about Qyzen Fess, including gift preferences, check out the the Jedi Consular Companion page.

Don't forget to check out similar posts:

Our full list of companions and gifts
The Many Looks of Elara Dorne
The Many Looks of Kira Carsen
The Many Looks of Vette
The Many Looks of Mako
The Many Looks of Risha
The Many Looks of Nadia Grell

For information on customization options for other companions check out the other 'Many Looks of ... ' posts on SWTORFace.

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