Friday, June 1, 2012

SWTOR Datacron guide: Hutta

What follows are facts about the datacrons to be found on Hutta. These datacrons, available to Sith Empire only faction players, can be found hidden behind a pipe, in the midst of the mob and on an island. There are three datacrons to be found on Hutta.

Galactic History 01: The Architects

Stat/Reward: Aim +2
Waypoint: X: -96, Y: 861
Tips: The datacron is located up on a small hill that you can climb a pipe up to get to it that is leaned onto the hill. The datacron is a bit hidden under some tree branches, but it is down to the right after having climbed the pipe and made your way up.

Codec description: This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

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