Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 5 in TOC: Anub'arak

Although the Twin Val'kyrs fight was the last official fight in Trial of the Crusader, there is one unofficial fight to go, Anub'arak. After defeating the Lich King's minions, the Twin Val'kyrs, the King himself gets a little upset and makes an appearance. He's so angry that he smashes the floor with Frostmourne and all the raiders drop into the Scarab's lair.

With Anub'arak, like all other fights he will not aggro until your tanks engage him or some idiot gets too close.

Although I've briefly experienced this fight on the PTR weeks ago, please note that some of the strategies mentioned here may not be correct. The fight may have changed since the PTR. I'm taking on Anub'arak tomorrow night and I'll post again with my final recomdations after he's defeated. This is my plan on leading the riad.

To start the fight tanks and melee will run in and engage the boss. Ranged and heals will group in the center of the room. Tanks point the boss away from the raid as he has an AOE cone attack and he hits HARD! A good tank will take hits of up to 22k, so healers need to be ready!

Ranged should shoot down the frost spheres from the roof. By doing that, they fall and you get frost on the ground. The frost will slow players and enemy mobs by 80% but it will also protect players from burrowing mobs and spikes. It will also protect players from Impale but if Impale is cast at a player the frost will de-spawn and the player will have to move. if you get enough for the ground cover with the frost it will actually prevent Anub'arak from burrowing into the ground, completely preventing stage two of the fight.

Any off tanks should stay out of the frost or stay right on the edge because they'll need to pick up Anub'arak's adds. This is the same as in Nax. When Anub'arak burrowes into the ground all DPS kill the adds that spawn during this phase (phase two). The adds have a stacking debuff you need to keep an eye on. Another way to get rid of the adds is to have the off tanks move the adds to Anub'arak's location and range can AOE both the adds and the boss at the same time.

This fight was not hard on the PTR but all players were in T8.5+. Tanks need to pick up the adds fast or you will lose your healers!

When the boss reaches 30% he'll caste Leaching Swarm. See that all adds are dead before he gets to 30% because if the adds get loose at this time in the fight they will kill all your healers.
Anub'arak will leach 10% of the current health off EVERY raid member. The way in which the leach works is that it takes 10% of the player's current health, not their total health pool and transfers it to the boss. The more health players' heave, the more health he will generate. This is where your healers will be tested! Healers keep all DPS at 50% to minimise the health Anub'arak gets from them. At this stage in the fight you need to pop hero, Trinkets EVERY thing you have and burn him so save all your cool-downs for 30%.

This is a video taken from the healer's perspective on the PTR:

This video is taken from the off Tank's view, with really annoying Benny Hill music. I did warn you!

Week 4 in TOC: Twin Val'kyrs
Week 3 in TOC Faction Champions
Crusaders' Coliseum week two: Lord Jaraxxus

Northrend Beast loot table on MMO Champion:
Norththrend Beast video By wow.gamingfaces.net:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 4 in TOC: Twin Val'kyrs

This week in the Trial of the Crusader we will get access to twin bosses, the Twin Val'kyrs. My guild will be tackling them tonight and I've been preparing for it.

"Only by working together will you defeat the final challenge. From the depths of Icecrown come two of the Scourge's most powerful lieutenants -- fierce val'kyr, winged harbingers of the Lich King!" —Tirion Fordring

I've spent quite a bit of time researching the strategy on this fight and at first look, it does look extremely complicated. It's another one of those fights where you need to split your raid into two groups and proper raid deployment is crucial. First of all, let's have a look at each of the two boss's unique abilities.

Edyis Darkbane: Abilities
Empowered Darkness — Increases damage dealt to Light targets by 100% for 20 sec.
Shield of Darkness — A Shield of Darkness that protects the sister from harm absorbing 250000 damage and prevents spell interruption for 15 sec.
Twin's Pact — The Twin's Pact heals for 20% of their total HP. 15 sec. cast. Begins cast after Shield of Darkness has been cast.
Dark Vortex Eydis Darkbane beings to cast a powerful vortex of Dark. Channels for 5 seconds inflicting 5850 to 6150 damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. 8 second cast
Surge of Darkness — Pulsing a Surge of Darkness Inflicting 1500 damage every 2 sec to Light enemies.
Touch of Darkness — The Val'kyr's Dark touch has affected you, inflicting 7313 to 7687 Dark damage to players under the effect of Light Essence every 1 sec. The Touch of Darkness will not harm targets with the same attributes as it.
Unleashed Dark — The Concentrated Darkness releases its energies inflicting 12188 to 12812 Dark damage to enemies within 8 yards.
Twin Spike — The Twin Spike inflicts 100% weapon damage and increases damage taken by 20% for 15 sec or for 10 charges.

Fjola Lightbane: Abilities
Empowered Light — Increases damage dealt to Dark targets by 100% for 20 sec.
Shield of Lights — A shield of light that protects the sister from harm absorbing 250000 damage and prevents spell interruption for 15 sec.
Twin's Pact — The Twin's Pact heals for 20% of their total HP. 15 sec. cast. Begins cast after Shield of Lights has been cast.
Light VortexEydis Darkbane beings to cast a powerful vortex of Light. Channels for 5 seconds inflicting 5850 to 6150 damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. 8 second cast
Surge of Light — Pulsing a Surge of Light Inflicting 1500 damage every 2 sec to Dark enemies.
Touch of Light — The Val'kyr's Light touch has affected you, inflicting 4388 to 4612 Light damage to players under the effect of Dark Essence every 1 sec. The Touch of Light will not harm targets with the same attributes as it.
Unleashed Light — The Light Ball releases its energies inflicting 12188 to 12812 Light damage to enemies within 8 yards.
Twin Spike — The Twin Spike inflicts 100% weapon damage and increases damage taken by 20% for 15 sec or for 10 charges.

I've read strategy guides and watched videos from the PTR and this is my advice to tackling the Twin Val'kyrs.

Raid setup
At the start of this fight light and dark portals will appear. Each player needs to pick either light or dark by clicking on one of the portals. If you pick dark then you can fight Fjola Lightbane and if you pick light then you fight Edyis Darkbane. So before you start, before you even see those portals, have your raid group split into two even groups with everyone knowing what color portal they're going to click on. Dark players do double damage to light enemies and light players do double damage to dark enemies. Players can tell what portal they are aligned with because there is a dark purple sort of aura at the feet of dark players or a white aura around the feet of light players. At almost any stage during the raid, players can and will need to switch colors by clicking on one of the portals of the color they need to change to.

The tanks' roles
There are four portals in the area. There's a dark and light on the left hand side and a dark and light on the right hand side. The light-tank's job is to pull Edyis Darkbane in between the two portals on the left. The dark-tank's job is to do the same for Fjola Lightbane, but between the two portals on the right.

Gas orbs
Through the fight, light and dark gas cloud looking orbs will spawn from the light and dark portals. If you're dark you can and need to intercept the dark gas orbs. The dark orbs won't damage you. When you have intercepted enough dark gas orbs you can unleash a special attack of homing missiles. But if you get too close to a light gas orb you will take damage and a de buff.
The same goes for light players; light players need to intercept the light gas orbs which will do no damage and when you have intercepted enough light gas orbs you can unleash a special attack of homing missiles. But, again, if a light player gets too close to a dark gas orb they will take damage and a de buff.

Twin's Pact
Every now and then one of the Val'kyrs begins a 15 sec Twin's Pact cast and shields himself or the other twin. I am not 100% clear on this yet. From what I can tell, if the light Val'kyr is the one casts the shield then all the dark players need to attack the shield and vice versa.

If one of the Val'kyr begins to channel their Vortex, everyone in the raid has to immediately change to the color of the Val'kyr so that they absorb the Vortex damage. After the Vortex has finished channelling, you can switch back.

Here's more info from www.wowwiki.com info but frankly, i found it as confusing as hell!

"Inspiration and strategy

It should be noted that battle mechanic of this boss fight is inspired from arcade game Ikaruga. In that game the player ship and enemies has either white or black polarity (and unlike this boss fight, player can change polarity at will). Only bullets of an opposite polarity can kill the player and the player will absorb enemies' bullets of the same color.
Player's attack deals double damage to enemies with different polarity and when enough bullets of same polarity are absorbed the player can unleash a special attack of homing missiles.
In this fight, Edyis Darkbane is considered black and Fjola Lightbane is considered white and their attacks are respectively white or black. By right-clicking on one of the four portals in the room, you get the respective color of the portal, white or black. You absorb damage of the same color and deals double damage against the boss with the other color. If you are white, you absorb white damage and do double damage to Edyis Darkbane, if you are black then you absorb black damage and do double damage to Fjola Lightbane.
Before the pull everyone gets himself a color. The black-tank pulls Edyis Darkbane between the two left portals, the white-tank does the same for Fjola Lightbane between the two right portals.
Every now and then one of the Val'kyrs begins a 15 sec Twin's Pact cast and shields himself. Every damage dealer has to immediately pick up the casting ones opposite color and burn the shield making the heal interruptable.
If one of the val'kyr begins to channel her Vortex, everyone in the raid has immediately to get that ones color in order to absorb the Vortex damage. After the channel, you can switch back.
During the whole fight its also bullet hell time (the genre of Ikaruga): dodge the other-color balls flying around and catch your colors balls. If your shield absorbs enough damage, you get the Empowered Darkness or Empowered Light buff, giving you a 100% damage-boost against the other color for 20 sec.
With the Twin Val'kyr defeated, everyone is ready to celebrate... when the floor of the coliseum collapses and drops players into the Icy Depths of Azjol-Nerub."

If you want to know what loot drops from these booses, here is a complete loot table: MMO-Champion Loot table

Gaming faces 10 and 25 man Twin Val'krys Video Raid guide

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blizzcon 2009 wrap-up

As I sit listening to Ozzie go nuts at Blizzcon, I thought I would wrap up what we have had a look at over this weekend.

The big news for us WoW gamers was Cataclysm. It was a bitter sweet announcement for me as very detailed information was leaked onto the net over a week ago. It was like someone told me what all my Christmas presents were in November. I like surprises and the sites that posted the detailed info before the actual announcement, spoiled it for me (that’s why I didn’t link it when it was posted). There’s nothing wrong with leaks but you can leak information without going into as much detail as they did.

Lots of things said at Blizzcon point to an end of year launch for Cataclysm. First, Mike Morhaime (President/CEO Blizzard) said “You will be sick of Goblin rogues by next Blizzcon”, then Ghost crawler said in an interview with direct TV “We will see the new cross server 5 man pugs in the 3.3 patch before Cataclysm.” He then went on to talk about patch 4.1 and 4.2.

So by the sounds of it we will have 1-2 patches max before Cataclysm hits. That would make up 5 to 6 months if we go by the timelines of other patches. My guess is that we will have 3.3 to take us to ice crown, then 3.4 will introduce class changes a month before we get our x-pac, but only time will tell. I just hope Blizzard can live up to their 1 expansion a year they talked about last year.

The changes to guilds and guild tools have stirred a lot of excitement in my guild. I’m the GM of a 60+ account guild with over 100 lvl 80s in it. We pay for all guild repairs and supply very cheap flasks etc. As one of the oldest guilds on our server we have seen a lot of members come and go over the years and the new tools will helps stop or massively reduce the guild hoppers. I have a great group of officers and it’s great to know we are going to be able to reward guild loyalty with tools for levelling, crafting and raiding alike.

As I level new alts, it’s been kinda sad to see once bustling zones turned into ghost towns. For a MMO it just does not have the same feel questing in an empty zone. The move to restructure and then rebuild Azaroth sounds like the prefect move by Blizzard. It will not only ad new content for old players but at the same time provide new and exciting content for new players or even new alts!

A new type of level cap

With this xpac we only get to level to 85 and there has been a lot of “WTF? Only 85?” comments going around the net. The way you need to look at it is that you have level 85+ Path of the Titans skills. It’s just a new spin on the end levels. It’s a way to keep you interested and progressing end game.

I cannot wait to get my hands on Cataclysm and we still haven’t finished WotLK. Driving content at this speed makes it easy to stay interested and excited about a game that is 5 years old, something other MMOs miss the boat on all the time.

We have covered a lot here on Gaming Faces but if you’re looking for more detailed information on a particular class, don’t forget to check out our class news feeds at the top of the site for class specific blogs and news.

Mastery and Path of the Titans

This info comes straight from Blizzard:


This segment of the panel discussed a new and exciting feature called Mastery. With this feature, we want to make class talent trees simple throughout, but we also want to make them a lot more fun. We feel that while talent trees are pretty cool, they’re becoming larger and more complicated. We see this by the talents available, as many talents try to perform three different things and passive bonuses compete against fun or utility talents.

So while we will add some new talents for Cataclysm, we also want to prune passive and mandatory talents so that you have more points available for fun or utility talents. Our goal is to have talent trees that are simpler, less cookie-cutter and more fun. Under the new plan, you’ll get passive bonuses just for spending points in the appropriate tree. Passive bonuses are things that increase stats such as damage, healing, and tanking, as well as stat-like attributes such as haste or crit. We really want to give something unique for your spec -- and the Mastery stat incorporates this.

An example of a passive bonus for Assassination rogues would be increased poison damage the more points they spend in Assassination. Likewise, a rogue specialized in Subtlety will receive an energy cost bonus, Beastmaster hunters would receive bonuses to their pet’s damage output, and Marksmanship hunters would receive focus regeneration bonuses, as well. These are just some examples of how passive bonuses bolster each spec of every class.

Path of the Titans

Path of the Titans is another great new feature we covered that encompasses rewarding progression at max level. This new feature implements a third new type of glyph called “Ancient Glyph,” and as you can see, it is themed after the titans. These special glyphs are not associated with the Inscription tradeskill, and are also not specific to any class. You’re able to unlock a path and progress within that path as you continuously engage in different aspects of the game. As you advance, you will be able to unlock special glyph sockets for your character. You can also respec your path at any time, in case you decide to change your path.
You earn these ancient glyphs by using the new Archaeology secondary profession to recover and trade in titan artifacts. Each path will have 2-3 choices per rank, and again, you can respec if you decide to go down another path.

• Path of Aman’Thul, the High Father
• Path of Eonar, the Lifebinder
• Path of Norgannon, the Dreamweaver
• Path of Khaz’Goroth, the Shaper
• Path of Aggramar, the Avenger
• Path of Golganneth, the Thunderer

You can earn progress down any of these paths by doing things such as questing, raiding, PvP, trade skills, etc., with a possible weekly cap for maximum progress. Over time, you’ll be able to unlock new ancient glyphs that will greatly benefit your character.
This new system will be accessible to all players at max level. Players will eventually be able to reach new ranks for ancient glyphs, encouraging them to further develop their characters. There is also a possibility that we will introduce whole new paths in future content patches."

Guild Advancements and Professions

This info is straight from Blizzard:

"We continued with the presentation discussing exciting new features that will provide guilds with avenues to further advance, both on an individual basis and as a whole that culminates into a more immersive level of guild development. With these upcoming guild advancement features, guilds will be able to acquire talents and provide guild members with leveling benefits, as well as acquire guild achievements, guild professions, and other cool features.

Guild Leveling and Talents

We’ve introduced a new guild feature that will provide options for players to earn guild experience in a variety of ways. Players can earn guild experience through leveling, reputation ranks, boss kills, Battleground and Arena wins, and profession ranks. The top twenty earners from the guild per day will contribute to the guild experience total. With every acquired level, guilds will receive talent points that they can then spend towards their guild talent tree, which affects all guild members in the guild. Additionally, guild experience is converted into guild currency that can be used to purchase a wide variety of rewards, such as guild profession plans and reagents, vanity items, and talent respecs.

Guild Professions

Guilds that use guild currency to purchase profession plans will be able to share any purchased plan with the rest of the guild via a vendor and skill trainer. Guilds are also able to create guild heirlooms; these items bind to the guild so that anyone in the guild will be able to acquire them. Just like the normal heirloom items, guild heirloom items will also scale with level and will support all armor and weapons.

Guild members will also be able to take advantage of being able to create guild-specific versions of items that require fewer or different reagents. The new reagents are purchased from guild vendors via guild currency, and there will be support for all professions.

Looking for Guild

With the Looking for Guild feature, we’re making it easier for players to find a guild. We’re also looking to provide guild leaders more options to make it easier to recruit new members. The new tool will provide filters based on various requirements and will have a simple and easy-to-use interface.

Guild Achievements

Players can earn achievements as a guild, with each requiring a minimum ratio of guild members to complete. We’ve also introduced new achievements that guilds can partake in. One example is becoming Grand Master in all professions.


Guilds will receive a special guild news-feed that will show them updates on happenings within the guild such as achievements, boss kills, etc. Guilds will also have access to profession info for their members and more. In addition to these features, guilds will also be able to acquire a percentage of gold looted on boss kills that will go directly to the guild bank. Additionally, guilds will be able to invite other guilds to events."

Rated Battlegrounds

Straight from Blizzard:
"This section discussed changes being made to Battlegrounds. We realize that players want a bit more out of the Battlegrounds, or don’t necessarily want to actively participate in Arenas to acquire some of the best gear in the game. We’re changing this by providing an alternate method to acquiring Arena rating. We’ve introduced rated Battlegrounds, which will allow players to acquire rating for very powerful gear without setting foot into an Arena, so each player can enjoy whichever PvP activity he or she prefers.

We plan to include featured weekly Battlegrounds for players to enjoy; coupled with the changes made, this will help keeps the gameplay changing from week to week. The way the new rated Battlegrounds work is pretty straightforward. The more games you win, the higher the rating you acquire; however, we do not plan to punish players for losing. We’re looking at setting a cap of six or more battles per week. We want players to enjoy the ability to acquire rating through Battlegrounds, but it shouldn’t become the main source of rating gains.

In order to participate in rated Battlegrounds, players will be required to join battles as full groups. However these groups do not need to be committed teams as in the Arena system; rather, the group simply needs to have the required amount of players for whichever Battleground they’re entering. As an example, one would need to join the queue as a group for Warsong Gulch with any nine additional players to qualify for a rating.

Tol Barad

We're also adding a new zone that combines elements of Wintergrasp with the Isle of Quel'danas. During PvP battles, players will fight to take control points across the island. In between PvP battles, the zone serves as a daily quest hub for both factions, while the winning faction will have access to a raid area."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hunters Get Focus

That's right Hunters, gone are our mana days!

Also receiving a massive overall are hunters.The hunter’s need to rely upon mana is completely gone, and instead they will use focus. This means hunters will no longer care at all about Intellect, mana regen or Aspect of the Viper.

Focus will regenerate continually, similar to how rogues or feral druids regenerate energy. For comparison, rogues regenerate approximately 10 energy per second, whereas hunters will regenerate 6 focus per second.However, Steady Shot can also be used to improve focus regen, and bring the rate at which hunters regenerate focus to 12 per second.

The hunter will have a maximum of 100 focus, and shots might cost 30 or 60 focus, with fewer cooldowns on abilities. Another exciting and long-awaited change regards the ammunition system. Ammunition will become an equipable item, and will no longer be consumable.

More details on that later!"

New Race Class Combos

WoW Cataclysm Official HD Trailer on YouTube

If you're having problems downloading the HD WoW Cataclysm trailer, don't worry, we've put it on YouTube for you in HD!

Diablo III monk video online

We just uploaded the monk Diablo video from Blizzcon. Enjoy!

WoW Cataclysm break down from Blizzard

Quote from Blizzard:

Level cap will be 85 because developers wanted to focus on the right things: redoing Azeroth and providing more end-game content.
A new guild advancement system will let you earn guild perks and level a guild through 20 levels with points to spend in a talent tree. You will access abilities such as cheaper repairs, less durability loss on wipes, or mass resurection.
Phasing can now add and remove terrain based on your progress. Coasts will be progressively more flooded depending on how far you are in a storyline for example.

Path of the Titans

Talent trees won't be extended, you will just get 5 more talent points.
The Path of the Titans will let players follow a path (not restricted to classes), this is a new talent system with new skills and passive abilities.
A mastery system is being added as well, a lot of talents will be reworked to be more fun. The point is to get rid of a lot of the talent skills and not make you spend all your points in a talent tree just because it gives you more damage or higher crit chance.


Archeology is a new secondary profession, not many details about this one but we'll probably hear more about it in future panels.


Deathwing, the leader of the Black Dragonflight will be the main vilain of the expansion.
Deathwing heard the whispers of the Old Gods after the arrival of the Burning Legion, he eventually grew very powerful and also became very very crazy.
His plan was to catch the Alliance and Horde unaware with something so massive that it would bring up the Elemental Planes.
The Elemental Planes were created by titans to contain the elementals, they weren't happy with this decision and some of them like Ragnaros got really angry.

New races - Worgens

Other races were discussed for the alliance, but the developers really felt that the alliance needed a monstrous race and horde needed something fun and tiny.
Genn Greymane closed the Greymane Wall to block the Scourge's plague. Gilneas got nervous as the Scourge progressed to the south.
Arugal was a patriot, he called the Worgens to battle for Gilneas but eventually was surprised by how dangerous what he called down was.
Worgens are from somewhere else ... or even someWHEN else. They have a wolverine temperament and spent a lot of time trying to contain the beast within.
One of the Worgen racial will be Dark Flight, a short duration sprint

New Races - Goblins

Goblins are a technological race from Kezan, their society is broken up into trade cartels run by trade princes. They are new factions and not the ones you can already see in game.
The Cataclysm hit Kezan really hard and it's possibly destroyed. The goblins are now refugees on the Lost Isles.
As a goblin you start as a neutral cartel and eventually join the horde as you progress through the questlines.
Racial - Rocket Belt will have multiple functionnalities, you can use it to launch yourself forward or launch rockets at targets.

The World

Azeroth is now flyable. Pretty much all the zones will be changed to some extent, some of them like Elwynn Forest won't change too much but others like The Barrens will be sundered in two by Deathwing.
The Wailing Caverns are now a lush and verdant Area.
Desolace now has a lot more waters and a lot of plants can be seen in the screenshots.

The Horde finally conquered Southshore.
Auberdine was destroyed and the night elves have set up a new camp north of it. Garrosh wants to expand the horde and has built a fortified camp at the south of the zone.
Stonetalon has been cleaned by the Goblins, Azshara will be the new Goblin zone, and are using quarries in the mountains of Azshara to build their town.
We all left a little part of ourselves in Northrend and the old world will be much darker than it was to make heroism and brotherhood more meaningful like Warcraft should be.

Every zones will be revamped with new quests, items, and art. The old world will be a brand new experience and you won't have to deal with the annoying agility/spirit quest rewards anymore.
7 new zones will be added : Twilight Highlands, Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, Gilneas, The Lost Isles, Sunken City of Vash'jir.
The Worgens and Goblins starting zone level goes from 1 to 15.
Sunken City of Vashj'ir will be an underwater zone and was the home city of Lady Vashj before the original sundering, this is a gateway to the Abyssal Maw. Going through the Abyssal Maw will take you to the Elemental Plane of Water, even if the zone will be underwater you will be walking on the sea floor here, new underwater mounts will be available and should have the same speed as normal flying mounts.

Deepholm will be the new hub of the expansion, you will have portals here to let you teleport to Hyjal, Uldum, etc ... The Twilight's Hammer now serves Deathwing and have brought him back to full health in the Temple of Earth at the center of the map.
Uldum will have at least two dungeons and is heavily inspired from Egypt. The sea at the west of Tanaris was just an illusion created by the Titan and Uldum is actually a brand new zone. It is rumored to hold a super weapon. Uldum is also the home of the Tolvir, a race of stone-like cats created by the titans.
Ragnaros used the cataclysm to come back from the Plane of Fire where we sent him and his now sieging the World Tree in Mount Hyjal to burn it down. Malfurion is back from the Emerald Dream. The whole zone (Hyjal) will make extensive use of phasing.
Twilight Highlands will feature Grim Batol,
Apparently Orgrimmar will be rebuilt and reinforced with steel, it now looks a lot like Garrosh strongholds...
Undercity has been redesigned to be flyable, it now looks much more impressive from the outside.
Deepholm isn't really connected to Azeroth, the connection is where Deathwing
The Twilight Highlands will feature Grim Batol, Deathwing literally broke open Grim Batol as he emerged from the ground. This is the new Twilight's Hammer base in Azeroth and both Horde and Alliance will have a new port town with boats here. The Red Dragonflight is still here but has been pushed back to the west of the zone near the Wetlands.

Dungeons & Raids

The Firelands will be a new raid dungeon, it will let you go to the Elemental Plane of fire and visit Sulfuron's Keep, Ragnaros will be here and he's really pissed.
Uldum will feature two new dungeons, the Lost City of Tol'vir and the Halls of Origination (a titan city)
Grim Batol will have a level-up dungeon and a raid instance.
Skywall (Air Elemental Plane) will have a level-up dungeon and a raid instance.
The Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep will be back in a brand new level 85 heroic version.
Blackrock Caverns will be a new level-up dungeon located in Blackrock Spire. This is an entirely new dungeon, new art, new creatures, new everything.

Player vs. Player

Battle of Gilneas will be a new battleground where the objective is to control the city by controlling as many districts as possible.
Tol'barad will be a new PvP zone and will also be the most important daily quest hub. Just like Wintergrasp a battle will happen every few hours and the winning side will get access to the Tol'barad Prison and extra daily quests, the really profitable ones.
Rated battlegrounds will be added to the game and should get you the same rewards as Arenas.
New arena maps will be added.

WoW Cataclysm news on wow.gamingfaces.net

In case you missed it all, we have posted a lot of news about WoW Cataclysm on wow.gamingfaces.net

WoW Cataclysm official site online!

Go check it out now!

Wallpapers and HD Trailer Download!

World of Warcraft - Cataclysm FACT!!!

Level Cap 85!

Guild Levling System!

New Races:
Goblins for the Horde.

Worgen for the Alliance.

Old Azeroth GONE and flying in New Azeroth!

New Classes/Race combo:

Human Hunter
Orc Mage
Night Elf Mage
Dwarf Mage
Blood Elf Warrior
Dwarf Shaman
Undead Hunter
Tauren Paladin
Tauren Priest
Gnome Priest
Troll Druid

BlizzCon Is ON! Let's start DirectTV with REPEAT stuff!

A little look at what we've got coming up today. To start off with the coverage showed REPEAT stuff we got to see and pay for LAST YEAR!! Thanks Direct DV.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Week 3 in TOC Faction Champions

This week in TOC, raiders will face Faction Champions. The Faction Champions are a lot like the "arena event boss" back in Magister's Terrace.

You face different enemies, each representing one class: a resto druid, a shadow priest, a holy priest, a hunter, a holy paladin, a rogue, a death-knight, a warrior, a warlock and an elemental shaman.

They play quite well, and will use Dispersion when under fire or using Heroism and can't be tanked.

They can be crowd controlled but all spells only have their PVP durations and diminishing returns against them.

WoWwiki Strategy:

"Setting up /target macros for your crowd control classes will give you a good first attempt at the encounter. Like in any PvP BG, you have a choice, either control the healers or burn them. As the crowd control abilities are reduced to that of their PvP counterparts (diminishing returns apply), it is wise to focus on healers first to avoid them breaking their crowd control and healing up nearly dead NPCs. The raid makeup will decide which path to take.
Focus on the healers, pop heroism/bloodlust as the fight begins, and begin to blow it up starting with the Shaman, after the Resto Shaman is dead, move on to the Healing Priest, then to the Holy Paladin, the the Resto Druid finally, because CC is alot easier on a Druid over any other class, and control the most aggressive DPS, that being the warrior and the death knight. Pay attention to the target you are killing, as the other champions do attempt to support them, and you will need to dispel/purge shields/heals when necessary. You also need to assign ranged classes to keep the warlock's and the hunter's pets down, most likely warlocks/mages/hunters because of the high burst DPS, and it barely will affect your rotation, because they will die so quickly. As you progress onto the casters, make use of your interrupts, it slows down their DPS considerably.
The NPCs are near impossible to tank as they drop threat, so you need to slow their DPS to the best of your ability. Due to the melee DPS classes being difficult to control it is in the best interest of the raid to use heroism and bloodlust towards the start of the fight.
It is imperative that mortal strike, poisons and any other heal reduction abilities are kept up on your current targets, as the healers do occasionaly break out and heal.
The fight gets easier as the NPCs go down, so one you get a feel for the start of the fight, you will have this encounter on farm in no time.

Note: Though it is a PvP Arena-styled combat, it is not advised to attempt this encounter with a resilience set, although your PvP trinket will definitely aid you, a human or undead's racial will be fine also."

Death knightTyrius DuskbladeGorgrim Shadowcleave
Druid (Caster)Kavina GrovesongBirana Stormhoof
Druid (Heal)Melador ValestriderErin Misthoof
HunterAlyssia Moonstalker
and her lioness
and her lioness
MageNoozle WhizzlestickGinselle Blightslinger
Paladin (Heal)Baelnor LightbearerLiandra Suncaller
Paladin (Retribution)VelanaaMalithas Brightblade
Priest (Heal)Anthar ForgemenderCaiphus the Stern
Priest (Shadow)Brienna NightfellVivienne Blackwhisper
RogueIrieth ShadowstepMaz'dinah
Shaman (Caster)ShaamulThrakgar
Shaman (Melee)ShaabadBroln Stouthorn
WarlockSerissa Grimdabbler
and her felhunter
and his felhunter Zhaagrym
WarriorShocuulNarrhok Steelbreaker

Loot table and Achievements on MMO-Champion.

Video: 25 man

Creative Labs WoW headset

One of the things I do here is watch the news, the WoW news that is, and it was funny as hell to watch sights like MMO-Champian and WoW.com speculate about what the Creative labs ad was about. Both of them posted images of the flash movie off Sound Blaster's Website and their images had the brightness increased, showing a hidden map in the back! OMG, could it be the new map!? After 10 years in this industry I have got to know Creative's "creative" marketing techniques. Great job Creative on fooling some of the big WoW sites out there. :P The mystery product is just a headset with Horde or Alliance logos that glow on your ear!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Creative teaser: to be continued

Creative Labs have a teaser on their Sound Blaster page which pictures a glowing Horde logo in a metal looking ring. The background music is taken out of Lament of the Highbourne. More specifically, it's from the Black Temple. So this is BC content background music. So I severely doubt that Creative are doing this in relation to anything new coming from Blizzard. To me, it looks like Creative are about to release some new sexy WoW themed speakers and this is not a teaser for any new Blizzard game. There is no way that Blizzard would re-hash this old music to promote new content is there?

Felicia Day music video

Felicia Day, the hot red head from the epic web series The Guild has just launched her first single "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar". The pop song is a sexy and corny taunt at all of us MMO gamers, using funny lyrics that may only be picked up by MMO gamers. It's bound for stardom in the geek realm! Felicia Day first appeared as a potential Slayer in the 7th season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and has since become a cult icon to MMO gamers in The Guild.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Game world vs real world: or should they merge?

Haddock over at the Core Worlds blog has been wondering about what sort of social networking SWTOR will have? Xbox has done a great job integrating Windows Live. He ends his short discussion with the comment:

"Would you like to see a meta-system integration so you can join friends, earn achievements and get information about the game world from the real one?"

Mmmmm ... interesting. At the moment in the MMO world there is a haphazard collection of ways to interact outside the game. There are blogs, with comments; forums; and a few sort of community portals. Some bloggers use Twitter and some guilds make use of Facebook. But there's no smooth way of interacting with your ingame concerns in the cyberspace social networking world. I'd argue that the question is do we want the information about the game connected with the other online world, not the real world!! Although, so many of us live in the online world so much these days that it's certainly "real" enough. Some day a game company will have a smooth integration with social networking and the game. Will SWTOR be that game?

Ripping a Hunters heart out

Finding a Spirit beast can be real hard. With Loque’nahak I spent over 40 in game hours looking for it and I must say that finding it was the best thing ingame I have ever got. Better than any Epic loot mount, etc.

Last night I got a report from a guild member that npc scan went off for Skoll on his way to TOC. I was not far behind and then it happend: I got the message too! It was him! He was there! I had him targeted 45m away and then he goes gray... I get to him and a Blood Elf Pally is on him. I drop a trap and used Distracting shot but the Pally hits him again and... kills him! It ripped my heart out. I was shaking but there was nothing I could do. I was 2 or 3 seconds too late and the BE Pally gave me some awlful greif ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

About 14 months until SWTOR?

The rumor mill is rife with reports that a Lucas Arts insider told a French website that they're aiming for an October 2010 release for SWTOR. Who knows how true this is. There would be at least six months of beta testing before release and we're aiming on being on that list and reporting on the testing. [Source: Starwarsmmo.net]

Crusaders' Coliseum week two: Lord Jaraxxus

Week two in patch 3.2 brings us our 2nd fight in the Crusaders' Coliseum. If you missed our video of the first fight, Northrend Beasts, you can see it on YouTube here. There is a full guide to the fight in the Info tab on YouTube.

Lord Jaraxxus is summoned by Grand Warlock Wilfred Fizzlebang when the gnome attempts to summon a doomguard for the next challenge.

From WoW-Wiki: "Lord Jaraxxus is a fight with relatively simple mechanics, but a lot of damage. Jaraxxus himself should be tanked in the center of the room, and dps should spread out as if for Kel'Thuzad. This is to avoid the chain lightning as much as possible, as this will hit for as much as 15k and arc to 3 people on 10 man regular. Jaraxxus will also periodically cast fireball on the tank, which will hit for 15k, and tick for 6k every second for the next 5 seconds, so this should be dispelled as quickly as possible.

Jaraxxus will periodically spawn portals and volcanoes. Portals will spawn a Mistress of Pain, which must be tanked and burned down as fast as possible, as she will choose a random raid member, apply a Spinning Pain Spike debuff, pick them up and do 10 to 15k physical damage.

Volcanoes will spawn 3-4 infernals, which should be tanked away from Jaraxxus. The infernals have an interruptable AoE which will hit everyone in about a 5 yard radius for 5k. The infernals will also sometimes turn into a floating orb, hover over to a random raid member, and exploding dealing aoe damage in a small radius. Tanks need to pick the infernal up again quickly, or it will start killing raid-members.
Jaraxxus also has a number of debuffs. The most important is Incinerate Flesh, which will be put on a random raid member (possibly an offtank) and which will absorb all healing on that target, till a certain amount of healing has been done, 70k on 10 man regular. This is not too much of a problem, as long as healers react quickly. If the debuff wears off without being healed through, the target will explode, dealing damage in a very large aoe, much like Vezax's flames.

The next debuff is Legion Flames, which will continuously spawn flames under it's target. There are two strategies for dealing with this, either the target can use damage reduction cooldowns and remain stationary, or they can run directly outwards. The idea with not moving is to not spawn as many flames all over the room.

A fire resist aura should be used at all times during Juraxxus, and any amount of passive healing or damage reduction that dps can provide will make the fight go much smoother."

You can look at the Loot Table Abilities and Achievements on MMo Champion.

And here's a video of from the PTR. It's in Germna. I haven't found an English one yet.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Patch not quite all there

Well as we all know by now, patch 3.2.0 went live. Blizzard had no choice but to get the patch out now, one reason being Blizzcon is coming up in two weeks time. If the patch wasn't out at Blizzcon, it would have interfered with what they wanted to talk about. The last thing they would want in their panels would have been questions about a patch. Instead they want to talk about what's coming up next year, not next week. So what they had to do to release the patch this week was to remove features that were on the test server.

One of these features was the in-game quest helper type thing which provided map logos which indicated where quest objectives were, as you can see from the below image.

The new raid instance also only has the first boss available at the moment. There will be five in the long run.

I went out and played around with all the new dailies. I then got roped into a couple of runs in the new 5 man, Trial of the Champion. The two different flavors of Trial of the Champion, heroic and normal, provide epic loot for all drops. The normal mode drops 200 level loot and the heroic mode drops 219 level loot. This is going to provide a brilliant way for characters to geer up. I will be attempting to run these instances on my alt as often as possible.

After some guild activities last night we also took the guild into the Vault of Archavon. We were all excited about seeing the new boss. Unfortunately, the new boss was out of town! Although the new section of the dungeon is there, it's completely empty! Apparently this guy will not be made available until season 7 of Arena ends.

We then headed off to face the first challenge in Trial of the Crusader. After three attempts, the Northrend beasts went down. We then went on to do the same thing in ten man mode and now we're left with the hard versions of both 10 and 25 man.